The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

:clap: :clap:

You bollox

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Having to be asked to come back into work

Jaysus lads, I don’t know how you do it. You can’t bait the office environment for a bit of energy through the working day. I’d try and get in usually 3 or 4 days a week. The Mondays at home were grand during the NFL but I don’t mind jumping in the car and getting in to the city most mornings now. I even have a few of the juniors saying they didn’t get much direction or training during lockdown and find they learn a lot more in the office.

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Me first time officially in the office since I started 2 years ago. We still have a hotdesk booking system in place and it looks like I’m the only cunt in. I’d say I’ll clock off at 11.


I was nearly locked out because me security keys were fucked.

Over zealous “office managers” aka receptionists are going to have a field day over the next while trying to exert some influence for the first time ever.


In our place there were some epic passive aggressive turf wars over the placement of coat stands, privacy booths and loud printers. A few individuals gearing up for conflict with the same zeal as Vlad.


Went into the office yesterday afternoon for the first time since last summer. I have a pain in both feet from my work/dress shoes which I have become unaccustomed to wearing.


It’s looks like R2O in our place is being postponed again due to the recent uptick in case numbers.



I’ve been a close contact on a couple of occasions recently. Gutted informing my mgrs that my return to office has been postponed again.

Its done.

I agree. My employer is ultra cautious though.

Covid is a great alibi for lads who don’t fancy an physical meeting the afternoon before a double bank holiday.

No no no no
We will be “invited” back to the office when it is safe to do so…now post receivung of this “invitation” you will have one quarter’s notice to enter the building where your manager will “welcome” you back.
By then one will be aware of what arrangement one his chosen, in most cases 2 days in 3 at home…thatll be the majority. In reality if you get your shit done and roll wih the punches you could probably do whatever you want…now a small cohort, low to mid level management will pitch up 5 days …BUT right now any company worth their salt is starting to use OKRs (objectives and key results) as a methodology to rank and rate and this is very quantifiable…this stuff will cut thru bluffers and these boys dont like this…hence the need to be seen and talk …relay information etc but those lads are on thin ice…
We are , actually no we HAVE entered a different environment in tech post the big C…the development in technology to enable remote control of equipment and production facilities (bar physical maintenance) has accelerated to a position where the operation of a site can be fully remote.

BTW or Break The Walls a term coined by some manufacturing guru in Technion in Haifa (im not joking) …is the concept


Keep logging those antigen tests big guy

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When Mr Employee trips over his cat and sues Mr Price for not providing a safe place of work, that is when Dan will care.

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Dans a confident guy who is a do’er. Leave him alone.

Had a meeting earlier where the top dog announced we could all work from home full time if we wanted (150ish people) only caveat was we have to start turning back on our cameras…fucking cunt, I’ll have to stop cutting my own hair now


The 7% need to be fired. They are the people who cant justify their existance if they arent “seen”

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