The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Mail yesterday, everyone fully back from March 28 minimum will be 2 days a week, suits me perfectly 2-3 days a week in the office a few pints after work on a Friday late train home bliss👍


Are Irish Rail offering monthly tickets to reflect the new commuting reality? Be expensive paying the same monthly fee as before for 40/50% less trips…

I think thats more than a fair compromise.

The main thing that bugs me about the cameras are the spanners who can’t position them properly. Put your laptop/camera on a proper stand at eye level. Dont need to be seeing double chins all day


What we’ve been told is that we’re going to be given a few months to decide what is best for each person.

After two years of working from home, you’d have thought people have a decent handle on if it works for them or not.

My management are all based in US. My boss lives 2500km away from his office. (He moved during pandemic)
My bosses bosses boss lives 400km from the office and has been working from home for 6 years.

So if anyone has an issue with me working from Kilkenny they can go and shite!


We’ve a “reconnect day” coming up soon. I’m looking forward to it to be honest.

I’m far better with people face to face rather than just online :smile:

Will be 2 days in the office, 3 days at home from May. Thats ideal really.




Mother and father of a piss up on the way for us in may.


I got a refund of 9.5 months of an unused annual rail ticket for 2020 late last year, I reactivated from 1 March will get some use out of it now

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Better get in training🤣

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PwC were trying to entice staff back into head office today with St Patrick’s Day themed buns, cakes and other treats. It’s amusing how childish it is. That said, some third year trainee who’s gotten away with doing nothing since early 2020 might have been tempted in by fairy cake with green and orange icing.


KPMG are giving gym memberships in the city centre in cork to soften the return to office blow

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It’s done lads.

If you producing the goods then no sane manager gives a fuck where you are doing it from.

Daily stand up, 15 mins… What did you work on yesterday? what are you working on today? Any blockers? Update the kanban board and off ye go again.


Your clarity is off the charts

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Did you get sorted for a bit of CAN?

Its sitting there ready for action under 24 hour watch.

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Any DUNG ( FYM ) put out?

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Goldman Sachs are back 5 days a week in London.

A proper company.

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A daily meeting? Christ, have ye no email?

Email is dead pal.

You can’t track fellas on email. You need a collaboration platform where you can see the little interactions from a healthy distance and that gives you a level of confidence that there some form of engagement happening. After that it’s all about HITTING THE DATE.


Alot of the blow ins were horrified last week, so yes, its out.

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