The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Hire people who can do their job, set them targets, enable them to meet them, then leave them the fuck alone.
Once a day justifying your existence and listening to everyone else do the same. What a waste of everyone’s life.
95% of all meetings should be an email, and 100% of morning meetings should be one.


When you join the public sector you inherit the good and the bad. 15 mins a day keeps everyone honest. Any cunt that rabbits on more than 2 minutes gets a virtual boot in the hole.

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Have you interviewed anyone lately?

If you’re a cunt

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That would be a neat feature to have in Teams.

The self obsession these cunts have with themselves is off the charts.

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Its gone to fuck lately. The state of some of the CVs coming in for decent roles…

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Its shocking. In fairness there is fully remote contracts being offered with Dublin wages to people across the country now.

Very difficult to attract people with experience in Limerick or Galway.

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An “average” of one day per week for us :partying_face:

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My life partner’s gone to a spa with some friends after a very busy Q1 in work (bless) and will be home tomorrow night.

Meanwhile, my phone just rang and it was the crèche. The youngest just had his third loose nappy of the day so he’ll need to be collected asap (crèche rules). He’ll also need to stay at home tomorrow (next day return not permitted after 3 loose nappies in case of contagious bug).

I had a smashing day of working from home in peace lined up, but now now. FML life. :rage:


You need to bung him up

Time for him to teach the kid TFK’s golden solution


Are you looking forward to said infection & diarrhoea?

How did you go about getting a refund?

Your creche are some shower of chancers. They love mugging you off


I hope you asked to see the three nappies. They could very well be mugging you off.


I’d be asking for proof.

His life partner must raking in the likes on the mumsnet Mugged off good and proper thread

@Rocko why is @gman able to edit this post?

@carryharry is a nice man

I have no willy.

I’d ride Giroud

I really shouldn’t be here.
Ah deadly!


Thats the citay kid.

Literally left him cleaning up the shit