The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I believe some subjects in the MNC world are being forced to wear dog tags as part of the return to the office. In the event of a covid outbreak all movements can be traced with all impacted parties being easily identified.


A big shoutout to all of us rostered on till 5 this evening and working nonstop right through to Thursday evening. I’ve already pulled one of Scandinavia’s finest powergen names out of the fire and delivered a stern bollocking on their LDAP procedures going forward. A productive Sunday on the frontlines.

Christ. Over and back for a few days to arrange a call with a fella in Singapore. He comes on the call, asks if i can coordinate 3 things at my end. I confirm I can.
Ok I’ll email you the details immediately as this is time sensitive.


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Time’s up lads. Ye had a grand ride


Another post Omicron highly transmissible new variant that ultimately turns out to be completely harmless (after 4-5 months of analysis & speculation) would be ideal right about now. That would get us to the end of summer and you couldn’t be sending people back into the office when it’s getting colder.


Partys over lads. If you’re working for the man, he wants you back.

It looks like the new normal was not in fact in the new normal.
It was just a temporary adjustment to deal with a particular situation.

looks like the Public Sector will be very flexible in regards to WFH

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certainly will. the policy framework from PER allows for a lot of flexibility that cant be undone too much at departmental level


Fixed your post

First trip to the office in 2+ years there on Thursday. Sure it’s all a cod. My manager is in the US now and half the team I work with aren’t in Dublin and I’ll be seeing them through screens. An aul bit of showponying will be all that’s happening for the next while before we all revert to working from home for 4 days a week I’d say.

I know other lads who are effectively been made sign in to prove they were there the minimum mandatory number of days. It’s like something you’d see in a primary school

Hybrid started in April for us. Going in next Wednesday for the first time for a token appearance. We’re supposed to be doing one day in the office per week.

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Jokeshop. We’re open and suggesting people come in as part of their team once a week on a voluntary basis. About 8% of people in at the moment but expect that number to go up as the weather improves. In India they are bullshitting about having 40-60% people in by Q3. Not a hope. They’ll be lucky to see them once a quarter.

Once a quarter or whenever there’s a visit happening

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Has there been any clarification on the employers’ responsibly for workers at home regarding health and safety, or house insurance issues.

Go on….

Not sure are you covered in most cases for wfh a few days a week. A few cases in time will tell alot.

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Lads want insurance for working at home?