The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Out in India they’ve all gone home. Best of luck getting Ashtosh in for a day in Bangalore and he living up North.


They might have an accident changing the box set.,

Fucking hell

No lunch, no commute etc but these cunts want info on insurance and Health & Safety?

We take for granted how specific insurance is. With car insurance, you’re only insured going to or coming home from the office. If you travelled anywhere else during to day in your car for work you’re not insured, between sites etc or bringing equipment. If you do any of that you need to inform the insurer that you also use the car for work and you’ll pay a higher premium.

There’s savage pressure carrying the laptop, a mug of the and thermos of cold water and a refill pad up the stira every day. A disaster waiting to happen

@Julio_Geordio might fall out of his hammock


I’d say it’s the most challenging part of your day.

It’s probably 2nd behind winding the baby to be honest

Boris on the ball again

‘My experience of working from home is you spend an awful lot of time making another cup of coffee and then, you know, getting up, walking very slowly to the fridge, hacking off a small piece of cheese, then walking very slowly back to your laptop and then forgetting what it was you’re doing.’



Alot of ‘valuable’ office space with empty seats…

Johnson always looks like he is after walking up from a nap

Cleared out my old desk on Monday.

Formally working from home full time now. I’ll likely go into the office about once a month.



My old manager finally gave up trying to get me to do some work so have changed me on to another team One of the new managers reminds me of myself in that she’s very unapproachable and unfriendly. I bided my time knowing i’d get my chance.

She pinged me this morning asking why a certain task wasn’t done. I was vague in my answers but hinted I was busy with tasks that took priority over hers. She asked how long these tasks took and I provided another vague answer that it varied. ‘Varies depending on what?’ … ‘On how helpful other people on the team are’ says I. Take that ya auld bag.


I’d say you wouldn’t do a stroke of work, Mike.


My effort is commesurate with my pay.


We had a management summit yesterday to kick off the new financial year.

This was finally put to bed, in essence we were told that the only thing that matters is output. Those who want to work exclusively form home 100% have at it as long as the work is done, the office is there whenever it is needed but no requirement to come in unless project/client need for it.

Working hours to remain somewhat flexible as in if you want to start early or work later or take a couple of hours in the day to do school/creche runs etc there is no issues as long as it is consistent and not an ad hoc approach were you decide to start early today or this week and then do something completely different the next day/week.


You’ll have @Julio_Geordio onto you for a job by the end of the day.

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I don’t see anything about structured nap times?