The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

It seems its coming back to the nature of the business and the specfic role in a lot of places.

In our place there is definitely a hardening in the stance towards junior staff being in the office more, which makes sense given the nature of the business but more senior staff still working off whatever mix suits them.

For all the desk jockeys out there… Invest in your home offices lads. You’ll be spending 80% plus of your working life there till retirement.


My Mrs is far more productive when working from home. When she joined them she mentioned going paperless but they said it couldn’t be done, until it actually had to be done. The cost savings on paper, storage, printer maintenance etc must be significant. Covid has made them far more efficient but they’re slow to admit it. I wonder is there a refusal amongst certain employers to admit they got it wrong.

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seeing it more and more with projects in Dublin. The last 5 projects we’ve looked at with extension works were basically making the living space bigger and having dedicated office spaces built in. Previously a dedicated office space was never on the cards.


It’s not one of our designated team days in the office but I need to drop in to collect some mail and bits and I’ll probably stick around for a few hours to do some work.

My question, is it acceptable to wear shorts for this office visit?

Please wb.


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More commonplace these days but I would definitely think less of somebody wearing shorts in a professional environment.

Maybe ok as one off if you are really keen to show off your running legs.


Depends on the style of shorts. Are we talking Argentina 1986, middle aged dad or Fred Durst here?

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Suit shorts only

How to train the kids though?

I can’t believe a Chartered Accountant is asking this.


A sensible pair of chino shorts can get the punters too excited from my experience.

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An unexpected little treat for the ladies:


You have sent a very strong signal that you treat working from home as a holiday.



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Id say there will be a lot more people back in the office from October if they don’t have childcare issues but have to have the heating on.


Dominic Calvert-Lewin Japanese schoolgirl look :eyes:

Poppin me head into HQ for the one and only time this month. Plan to do even less work than usual to revalidate the essential productivity value of the home office.

Fuckall in the office too.


It’s never going back to what it was is it? Thought there was a bit of momentum a few months ago for the grand return but people seems to have doubled down again against not going back in any regular pattern in my experience anyway.

Be interesting to see what happens over the winter with the fuel crisis and whatnot. Will people be more inclined to go into the office more often than not rather than have the heat and electricity on from 8 til 6 Monday to Friday.