The Wishing You A Merry Christmas Thread - aka The Nice Post Thread

Do you want a glassing?

2 days gluttony starting to seep out of me now, a couple of rancid farts already this morning

Christ no. Listening to that ape for a few hours would be torture.

Wrecking de gaff here.


I only got it now.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas chaps, a very happy new year to everyone.

I posted that on Christmas Eve. My grandmother died on New Year’s Day. I miss her hugely but am appreciative that she lived a long and full life.

When my grandmother had her 100th birthday party in November 2013, one of my father’s oldest and greatest friends, and a man I’d met many times, came to Galway and sang a song for her. It was a beautiful moment. That man’s wife died in March of this year a couple of months after being diagnosed with cancer. It broke the back of him. Today we learnt that he had died suddenly in his sleep six weeks ago, that the funeral had long been and gone, and we’d never known, due to my father relocating to Galway where he basically needs full-time care.

I feel down as fuck right now.

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@KinvarasPassion @Tassotti @Smark @carryharry @iron_mike @Bandage @Brimmer_Bradley @ChocolateMice

Christmas is just around the corner lads - buzz is is picking up. Looking forward to a week of mince pies, brandy & port, Christmas movies (like National Lampoons and Christmas Story), and generally doing sweet FA. Kids wrote the letters to Santa last week.

#It’s On!


@Rintintin starts this thread off every year. Ease up on the booze, pal.


Did you report the post? If not, go fuck yourself. And - Happy Christmas pal!


Ah who are we to deny a man the joy of Christmas. This thread is for everyone . Ill be back around the 21st to give this a right rattle. The festivities started well tonight though . Myself @TreatyStones and @Julio_Geordio had a great night of 110 and 45 at a mates house while supping a few cans of beer. God bless December.


Noble sentiments, allowing for my alarming exclusion, but as Harry says RTT has the controlling stake here. You’re of somewhat recent origin and can’t be expected to know every and all nuances that dominate, but despite whatever attempts are made at launching Christmas, the honour falls to RTT** annually.

I know from reading that said RTT has acknowleged this but we’ll hold for the official call…:evergreen_tree:

The captain of the Christmas thread RTT has about 7 sprogs under 7 so he normally defers the issue till Christmas Eve in the hopes of a tornado that cleanses the earth.

RTT’s shout.


Fair cop lads - above post downsized from “Happy Christmas” to “Happy December” level. @Rintintin - thanks pal. @carryharry - you’re an alright sort.


Very organised this year lads. Santa all sorted for three weeks. No last minute shit to sort out. Going to the parents for the dinner and a rerun the 73 AIHF again

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I only just realised it’s December the other day. There will be a lot of late Chrsitmas cards received in Ireland and elsewhere this year.

A fucking lame excuse and yer’ folk below in Bunclody “banking” on the few dollars you might send…Cunt.

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Fuck you then Boxty, no card for you.