The Wishing You A Merry Christmas Thread - aka The Nice Post Thread

Happy christmas buddy & @Rintintin

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h Everyone


have a good one bud


Happy christmS lads and lassies from somewhere where it is actually Christmas Day right now.
Various tasks finished on Christmas eve, young lad got sick, spent 2 hours in docto s waiting room with him ( he puk d up in the bin) has a chest infection. He’s Alright though. Rang my remaining auntie, got put on the phone to another relative I haven’t spoken to in 16 years which was weird. Spoke to another uncles who’s battling cancer, a character of a man, someone I miss a lot. Rang the neighbours at home (more relatives) great to talk to them as always. My 96 year old great grand aunt is nt so good at the moment.
Making tea earlier, for some reason, started thinking about my old man, how he loved Christmas, how the Christmas dinners he did were legendary, no one has ever made gravy to touch what he did. Had to go out into the back garden with a large glass of wine and bawled my eyes out for a few minutes thnking about him.
Christmas here involves an arms race on lawns. It’s all we think about. Getting the lawn done and looking great for Christmas.
Christmas is shite here. Enjoy your pints lads, enjoy your families.
A very happy christmas to each and every one of you.


Belter of a post @Fitzy. You may come home.

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Give us a shout the next time you’re in Cork , mate. Happy Christmas and regards to the family.

Merry Christmas to all forum members near and far,this is my eight around this place! Where the fuck do the years go? Off to the pub shortly for a few pints with the lads can’t beat the feeling of this time of the year.Stay safe lads and have a great one!


Happy Christmas everyone near and far.
Nearly feeling better. Couple of bottles of geipel tonight and I’ll be right.
Keep her lit fitzy. Give your own the memories your dad gave you. It’s all you can do.
Thanks to everyone for your entertainment and, oddly, companionship during the year.
I hope it’s a good one to you all.


Ps just in the door from rogue 1.
It’s a belter.


Best wishes to all the lads in the steering wheel pal


Just got in the door after a belter of a day in town. Convinced it was about midnight and started thinking longingly about bed and sleep which I managed
to avoid last night. Just found out it isn’t even 6 o’clock, fucking hell, not sure I can handle much more of this.

Merry Christmas everyone.


Incredible scenes.

A fist fight about political correctness easily have broken out on Shop Street had we passed each other and knew who each other was.


I want to wish each and everyone of you a happy christmas


Just heading off to mass


I’m in Limerick mate


Happy Christmas to all my e-friends and e-enemies.


A few glasses of wine later with the girls. I wish ye all well.

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There’s broadly a great bunch of lads posting here. Some lovely heartfelt messages on this thread in the last few days. Happy Christmas to one and all. I’m here drinking a pint of beer while watching that old Christmas classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory, the Gene Wilder version. Christmas isn’t the same for me until I’ve watched that. I might even go to mass tonight I’m fully invested in Christmas this year.


you are a wonderful person


All in the sitting room, watching the Lego movie,. supping a few beers. the 7 year old is giddy as fuck. its great. live these days lads & happy Christmas