The Wishing You A Merry Christmas Thread - aka The Nice Post Thread

Fuck it juhy. All the best

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I was going to say fingers crossed for the little fella, but that may be construed as insensitive by some on here so just hope it all goes well

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I spent Christmas Day 1980 in A+E in the South infirmary, (mother spilt a jug of boiling water on me, well I ran into her) and I turned out grand :+1:
Best wishes to you and the young lad, the story makes it worthwhile

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That’s really shit, hope he is ok.

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Ta lads. Out now. No bone damage but we’re back in tomorrow at 9am for the plastic surgeon to knock him out and go to work. Hope the plastic surgeon isn’t on a bender today…


Get well soon little J.

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Or standing near a fire


Are going to have to wait until 2100 for the next all Ireland?

First Christmas without Santa. It affected me more than I thought… until the youngest ( 12 next week) went beserk over ‘santa’ this week. The little fucker woke @2:30am this morning and dragged us all out of bed to get to the Christmas tree for ‘Santa’.
Some buzz
She’s great.

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I’d 4 cans of Heineken and a small whiskey at the neighbours get together this morning and I’m wiped from it, the dinner afterwards has me ready for the scratcher, watching Home Alone here now but no mind for a drink or even to stand up, I’ve no mind to go back to the beer now, I’m hoping for an early night :hushed:

I’d say she’ll be too tired for riding tonight pal

Ah bollox. Hope you find a silver lining in there somewhere lad.

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Hope all goes well for the boy tomorrow, pal.


Ah it’s not much really. More of a pain in the hole than anything else. There was another fella in when I was leaving and his kid was confused. vomiting after getting a bang on the head. Nowthat would be proper scary. *

*he looked like he was a rugby type.


Temple Street on any day of the week is a sobering place. Not once coming out of there have I though I have things all that bad. And may that never change. I hope the lil fella is grand, you’ll hold it over him forever once he’s out the other side :slight_smile:


Wake fucker - 4 cans and a thimble of whiskey ffs. Go to bed to fuck but before you hurl abuse or castigations around here again remember this unfortunate confession .
Your children must be looking at you with a modicum of apprehension.

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I don’t know what to say :neutral_face:
Merry Christmas to you too :+1:

No worries pal but the revelation was quite staggering. A few cans and a nip would be regarded hereabouts as pipe-openers. Each to their own though.
Fond regards to you and yours. Something will come along in an hour and all will be forgotten. :pint:

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Grand, I have had a drink before.
The massive dinner was the dealbreaker, I wouldn’t usually have a big meal after four pints, the kids are small so I don’t like to get pissed in the daytime, it’s not something I’m embarrassed by, there’s more to life