The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


Hysterical overreaction to someone with a bit of a flu is what it sounds like to me. They are from Hong Kong, not even close to where the outbreak is.

This will remain a high risk crisis until one of the big pharmaceutical companies rush out an untested vaccine and get enough governments to buy it. Only then will it be ā€œunder controlā€

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I love a good crisis.

Stay safe pal

Couple tested negative, nothing like a bit of hysteria to turn people racist. Itā€™d be like quarantining someone from the UK because of an outbreak in Poland

Crazy bastards

I heard some buck on the radio saying that 20% of the population will catch the virus and 2% of the infected will die.

5.5 million less Chinese people is not a bad r.o.i.

CC @Batigol

The British government has decided anybody that tests positive is being sent to Liverpool :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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A smart move

20,000 dead paddies by McGonkys reckoning

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I just hope this doesnā€™t muck up cheltenham.

Itā€™s all a cod. The same as swine flu, bird flu and SARS. Have a quick read of this:

The US State department has warned prospective travelers to China to question their own sanity.

Drama queens.

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I was gonna order some items from Wish but I think Iā€™m gonna hold off.

I dont want the Coronavirus spreading to Drom becuase @Copper_pipe purchased some cheap electronics from China.


Thereā€™s a few Chinese looking people on the train here. Please advise

It can only survive on objects / surfaces for a few hours mateā€¦fire away.