Things I learned today (Part 2)

Wtf? They never paid for their spouses funeral?

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I wonder was the will contested?

Before WWI, there existed more than 3,500 cheese producers in Britain; fewer than 100 remained by the late 1940s.

The reason for this is that during WWII, and for nearly a decade thereafter, most of the milk in Britain was used to make a single kind of cheese nicknamed “government cheddar” as part of the war economy and rationing. As a result, almost all other cheese production in the country was wiped out.


Dublin MEP Ciaran Cuffe is a nephew of Ethel Kennedy (nĂŠe Skakel), the widow of Bobby Kennedy.

Also, Cuffe’s great grandfather Philip Little, became Newfoundland’s first Prime Minister in 1854. Little later retired to Ireland in 1868 where he championed the Home Rule movement.


That public sector pensions now cost the state €4.5 billion a year and contributions from public sector employees to pensions is €1.7 billion a year.

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Civil servants should no longer be offfered DB pensions

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Most private sector employees don’t have a pension.

There won’t be a non means tested state pension in 20 years.

Is there lads out there without a pension :astonished:

Stats are scary. Even lads with one the pot is completely inadequate.

Aren’t the gov introducing something this year that most people will now pay in,?

Yeah. Auto enrolment. we won’t be able to afford the pensions bill in 20 years.

No political party will touch it.


Buy land lads.

Sea Life in Bray has closed.

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I think they strongly believe they deserve it and continue to be quite upset that they had to pay a bit more for it :laughing:

My maths might be wrong but I think I work it out as costing about 3.5% of all the tax collected in the country (income/Vat/corporation etc) is paying the deficit between what public sector workers pay for their pensions vs what is paid out.

In non Euro terms - It’s well over one massive children’s hospital per year or the funding for about 7 thousand additional hospital beds per year (staffed and operated)

No government will touch it, someone will have to step in at least phase out for new entries soon and convert anyone who started after a certain date into DC over time. Itll be a savage burden on the state in a decade or 2. Considering how young our population is compared to other european or westernised society

It changed in 2012 when the Single Pension Scheme came in for new entrants. Anybody recruited since then is primarily on a Defined Contribution pension.


I wasnt aware of that. Fair play to Michael Noonan so, brought that in wothout affecting current industrial relations and passing onto new enterants like teachers salaries.

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Sure that’ll all be underwater soon

Buff is no fool…

SF IRA will cease that.