Things I learned today (Part 2)

Sean O’Riada hated the Chieftains music

He was asked what’s the best way to play the bodhrán.

With a pen knife was the response.

Possibly apocryphal.


You can’t bate a good bodhran


Heather Small is 57. It’s her birthday today.

Thought she was a good bit younger, to be honest.

I think you bumped the wrong thread.

No, I didn’t. I learned today that Heather Small is 57 and was quite surprised by that fact.

That’s cause black don’t crack

Big Trad circling the wagons.


The tin whistle sounded



They despised the pogues too didn’t they ?

Basically anyone who made a few pound for themselves

They’d be like if De Valera was the president of Irish trad music.

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Noel Hill did anyway and the Pogues wrote this in response

Did I hear correctly 2 days ago that Kate Bush’s mother is from Waterford @Fagan_ODowd?

Her grandfather was from Waterford on mothers side

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Oh right :+1:t2::+1:t2:

You did yeah. Her mother is from Portlaw. Her mothers father is also from Portlaw. Kate has recounted how being at the 1975 county final when she was over on her summer holidays and seeing Portlaw blowing a 10 point half time lead to lose by 9 points to Mount Sion was one of the more traumatic experiences of her childhood.


Otto Skorzeny who was the SS Commando who led the operation to rescue a kidnapped Mussolini and who features in the movie The Eagle has Landed bought a farm in Kildare in the late 1950s and lived there off and on until mid 1960s. It was rumoured to be a staging post moving Nazis out of Europe. He’d regularly be seen driving his Mercedes around the Curragh.


That story featured prominently in some podcast l listened to last year. The government of the time were pretty sympathetic towards former Nazis.

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