Things I learned today (Part 2)


Thereā€™s a country in Africa called Comoros and they have qualified for the last 16 of ACON.


I had to look it up

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It sounds like a Denis Oā€™Brien shell company.


That would be called con of us

There was a bit of an aul infection going around the place for the last couple of years. Noone fucking told me

Portlaw got the wuthering shites


Thatā€™s a good one

A walk that I always thought was fucking miles isnā€™t that long at all. Itā€™s less than a km from the Scelp Inn to The Parade in KK city.

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You spent a lot of time thinking about that one

You either have it or you donā€™t.

She was seen Running Up The Hill to Mount Sion afterā€¦

When I was a young fella weā€™d often walk or cycle to Rochestown via the Black Bridge, down the line from the Skehard road, seemed like an adventure, canā€™t be more than 2.5 k Iā€™d say?

The flyover bridge to Harts Quay is 1km. Skehard Rd bridge is another km. I should know this, have ran it enough times :disappointed_relieved:

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I lived up behind the old hino garage on that road. It might have been less than 1km but it was a serious walk coming out of neros full of beer trying to navigate it.


Jesus Mike, Neros!! That brings back a lot of memories that I canā€™t quite recall :thinking:


And a big dirty kebab in uncle Samā€™s before you hit the road

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A lot of their songs are based on traditional tunes. The melody for Sword of Light is based on Toss The Feathers. More Than You Can Chew is based on The March of King of Laois. King of The Fairies is just them playing King of The Fairies. And so on.

Brilliant band. Glad I got to see them in the O2 when they did the first reunion gigs. Meant to be playing the Olympia in March.

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Theyā€™re always calling me.