Things I learned today (Part 2)

Stephen Bunting is younger than CR7

Bunting actually looks fatter but younger than him in that picture. Heā€™s probably better at darts too

Gavin Jennings and Audrey Carville, both Morning Ireland presenters, are married.

To each other or just generally?


Lance Armstrong did 500 watts for 30 minutes on Madone in 1999


Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s a things Iā€™m hoping to learn today thread so Iā€™ll put it here but following on from something on another thread about kingā€™s and queens counties laois and offaly. All slagging and GAA style bantering with myboyblue aside has the fact that they were plantation counties had any long standing economic, historical, social or cultural impact. Are they different in any of these ways from neighbouring counties?

More protestant farmers back in the day. A lot of them have died out.

Lovely well laid out Protestant towns like Abbeyleix, Durrow and Mountmellick


Were any towns within the counties still known as planter towns in recent memory or have a higher proportion of protestants say?

Adam Idah plays for Celtic now.

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Since when?

No idea turned on Sky to see him confidently stroke him a penalty a few minutes ago.

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Ooh matron!

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Jaysus Mountmellick has gone to shit since. Abbeyleix is lovely in comparison. Mountmellick was once referred to as Manchester of the Ireland due to its mills. Itā€™s a shithole now

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Abbeyleix. Twould be a bit waspish, but a lovely looking town and well kept. Wouldnā€™t know about Offaly.

Thereā€™s lots of buildings, houses, ā€˜big housesā€™ dotted around the place still.

Are the Freemasons still holding court there?

Iā€™d rather not say

I used to think that 5 pointed star youd see driving through was a satanist symbol but apparently not.Its a Freemasons lodge.
Quirky auld thing to see it so prominent.

Tis a quirky town, only gonna get quirkier with Collisin

Spotted that driving through on Sunday. Very prominent alright.

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