Things I learned today (Part 2)

I never tweet pal. Itā€™s a cess pool.

Sure you donā€™t :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You were quick enough to post up poor aul Shaneā€™s fierce decent tweet about an act of kindness he experienced from a taxi driver all the same for a lad who thinks itā€™s an aul cesspit.

I deleted the post immediately upon recognizing my mistake. Iā€™ve since sent Shane an apple tart as a token of apology.


You spelled coddle wrong there.

Itā€™s better than I expected it to be.

My bad. And rightly so.

Eamonn Ryan and @balbec went to the same school


Seb Coeā€™s from Ballyragget

France shares its longest land boarder with Brazil.

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A staple of the table quiz genre.


I couldnā€™t remember the phrasing of that question the other night.

Big brother is still a thing.

Actually it doesnā€™t.
Iā€™ve never heard of jaywick though

Quite a nice town.

BTW Iā€™ve been to all of them bar Jaywick.
Ashton is worse than all the rest. It is utterly utterly grim.


Iā€™ve never heard of Jaywick until that list. Where is it and what size of a place is it? The worst town in the UK must be some absolute shithole.

Just googled it. East coast. Essex. Most deprived town in England apparently, which is some effort.


It must be some state if it is.

Itā€™s like something from one of them shows that travel to the most deprived towns in America. Itā€™s an old holiday resort so the houses are timber construction and the roads arenā€™t even properly formed. Itā€™s a relatively small spot but if you find yourself there you are in a bad way.