Things I learned today (Part 2)

You’d be a bigger eejit to pay it. These sportsmen letting on they are some kind of leadership gurus when their skills are in no way transferable or indeed appropriate to business.


They are to our burgeoning tech industry

I was chatting to a wan on Tinder last week and all was going well until she said she was going to see Bressie’s podcast tour on Thursday night. :upside_down_face:


I remember talking to a fella who had come back from a business breakfast that had been addressed by Liam Griffin when he had a bit of currency. This fella was from the country but middle class in outlook. He couldn’t get over the shite he had just listened to. The whole blather about getting the bus to stop at the county boundary and getting the team to walk across the county line into Wicklow.


The sister in law was away for a week in portugal with her work doing all that shite. He did a morning. She said the response was amazing. They lapped it up. Fucking hell.

Not for a single morning?

I’m aware his fee certainly runs to five figures for a day’s work but it’s certainly not six figures for a single morning.

You’d have to imagine it has peaks and troughs. He’ll have loads of gigs for six nations but who will want him in the middle of the Leinster Hurling Championship.


You are this :ok_hand:t3: close to a ban. I’ve called a moderators’ meeting for this afternoon to discuss the appropriate actions.


I presume he charges what he wants depending on who they are and what they can pay. Dynamic pricing i believe. This company paid 6 figures. She’s in HR and her colleague organised it.
I remember doing a gig for a company once. Realised as we pulled into the Lyons estate to do it that we had charged way, way too little…

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A quick google tells me that would put BOD in the top 5 speakers fees in the world, up there with Tony Robbins and Barack Obama. Someone is pulling your leg mate.


What does that cunt Obama talk about? How to drop bombs on civilians without feeling guilt?


Amongst other things, yes.

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What do you mean ‘middle class in outlook’ in the context of that story?

I must sign up for his next one.

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If you don’t know you’ll never know.

Who is Tony Robbins?

WTF? :flushed::flushed::flushed:

The guy who was in Shawshank Redemption

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The guy from Black Adder - he’s a hoot


My hole it would. Plenty of famous people getting more than that. We need a forumite who is adept at stalking famius folk to ask. Or failing that a forumite who is a dab hand at auditing to hit this company.

I saw BOD speak at an event. He was surprisingly down to Earth and very funny.


I presume you heard him so