Things I learned today (Part 2)

There actually arenā€™t that many. A few lads get bungs from far right nut job hedge funder types or digger barons, but there is absolutely no way Brian O Driscoll pulled six figures for a talk unless sheā€™s counting the 50p at the end.

PS I was reliably informed that back when that welch rubby ref monetised being white collar gay, he was regularly getting 4k for a speech from a well known oirish accountancy franchise whilst giving the goys the benefit of the doubt repeatedly in the six nations events.
I suspect nucifora was behind it all.

Iā€™m no businessman

Iā€™m blown away, absolutely blown away that Brian Oā€™Driscoll commands over 100k for 6 hours work

But fair play to him if he can get it

I believe you

Heā€™d give it all up for an SC Medal


100k to hear a rubby player speak about building up to fail every 4 years :joy:

Me bollix.

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The airspeed of an unladen swallow is not a well-defined or measurable quantity. Swallows are birds that fly at a wide range of speeds, depending on the circumstances, and there is no one ā€œairspeedā€ that can be attributed to them.
However, the average cruising speed of a
swallow is around 35-45 km/h (22-28 mph), with top speeds reaching up to 50-60 km/h (31-37 mph) when in pursuit of prey or during courtship displays.

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Your mother was a hamster

I fart in your general deereckshun

I havenā€™t seen one yet this year.
I always keep a look outā€¦

The colour of the Scottish flag is Pantone 300 and of course white.

Saw two out there about four days ago. A great sight.

Out where?

Out at the parents house near moycullen (not that near)

Why would they be flying Scottish flags in Moycullen?


We had a sales kick off last week, the first at our company (Japanese multi national) since before Covid. Weā€™re under pressure in a contracting industry and there has been fuck all expenditure on anything peripheral for years. So imagine our surprise when we had a full on, pretty deadly kick off where actual money was spent on a great venue, food and even speakers.
We had this health and mindfulness chap come in. Iā€™m like ffs, this should be shite, but he was really good. Not mental, seemed actually sane and not spouting cliches and shite. Had us all breathing deeply and worked on a theme of using your life to create smiles. I thought he was great.
We paid him $4000 for 1 hour in front of 300 people.
On the other hand, my boss brought in a consultant from Singapore heā€™s worked with previously who is an expert in channel sales. He worked with us for 4 days, though he was preparing this for a couple of months. As weā€™re setting out on a new channel sales strategy, his insights were important. He cost 6 figures.
I can tell you Brian Oā€™Driscoll is not getting 6 figures for a morning.

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I think it must be tricky for these media personalities/celebrities & ex sportspeople to settle on how they market themselves to get on the corporate speaking gravy train.

Do you hone in one specific area & try to become the go to person? Bressie went with depression but surely thereā€™s only so many times you can go around the Bank of Ireland, Deloitte, Arthur Cox block?

Others are trying to tick a load of different boxes in their marketing spiel & hoping that one or more pieces of shit stick in somebodyā€™s inbox.

Excellence in field :white_check_mark:
Strategies to deliver high performance :white_check_mark:
Leadership :white_check_mark:
Resilience :white_check_mark:
Managing Change :white_check_mark:
Team dynamics :white_check_mark:
Mental challenges, general health & well being :white_check_mark:
Transformation :white_check_mark:

Ideally you would have performed internationally in a team environment, overcome a serious setback or two (injury, high profile loss?) to subsequently win stuff, struggled with adapting to retirement post career & went through some inner turmoil before emerging stronger to launch a new, second career, i.e., charging 5 (or 6 [six]) figure sums to corporates.

:rofl: :rofl:
Ah stop @Fitzy
A lad on the other side of the world, in a different business, struggling for years still spent 4grand on some nobody wellness guy so a company coining it here and bringing all their staff away for a week long working holiday in a fancy portuguese resort cant fuck a load of cash at an actual celebrity* speaker?



That last line was iconic.

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