Things I learned today (Part 2)


You can count on one hand the people who call it Muine Beag.

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Jeff Hendrick turned 30 yesterday. How the fuck is he only 30? He seems to be around forever - I’d have guessed 34 or 35.

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pulp fiction GIF

This is what was in the briefcase from pulp fiction


Jesse Lingard is 29.

He’s a great prospect.

Sixmilebridge native Georgina Frost was the first woman to hold public office in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, becoming petty sessions clerk for the court district of Newmarket on Fergus in 1920.

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Denis Leary and Conan O’Brien are third cousins.

Salient green. Cc @artfoley

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A postman or postwoman is obliged to pick up post from your house as well as deliver it. It came back into fashion during the pandemic when people were afraid to leave their house. You’ll need a stamp obviously and maybe a sign in the window.

I remember my mother used do that years ago. She’d be very apologetic about it, God love her…


I think that’s only with the An Post delivery box.

From the lovely Suzie :heart:


Hugo McNeill and his wife Jennifer watched the Netflix series ‘House of Cards’ together.

*more of a hunch rather than being said with absolute certainty
** Seanad elections related

The phrase “mad as a hatter” is likely a reference to mercury poisoning among milliners, as mercury-based compounds were once used in the manufacture of felt hats in the 18th and 19th centuries.


Philip Treacy, a world renowned milliner (hat designer) from Ahascragh in Co Galway, was once described by Vogue magazine as “perhaps the greatest living milliner”.

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James is handy too in fairness

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CR7 is a cool name for Ronaldo.
It might even be in his numberplate. Flatty didn’t say.

It creates a great opportunity to arrange a suitable plate number for him.
The Wordle experts will doubtless have a stab at it. What 5 letter would you start with?

CRUNT possibly.

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Wasn’t it the same thing as was in the boot/trunk of the sought after car in Repo Man?