Things I learned today (Part 2)

So Ireland is far from full


Depends on how many you want to share a bedroom with I suppose.

He wants people to go back living in mudhuts and atin nothing but spuds and milk.

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Dunno could we handle 315k more Corkies now

From yesterday

  1. It gets dark very quickly and early in Harare
  2. It’s scary as fcuk when you’re out for a run and lost and it’s dark and, well, you’re white
  3. You breathe in more dust than you do good by taking exercise.
  4. Harare is at 1500m altitude which is unpleasant enough running in without trying to run quickly as you can down unlit pavementless roads with cars everywhere because you’re convinced you’ll be a newspaper paragraph shortly.

I like how your awareness that what you are doing is stupid, couples with your inability to stop yourself doing that stupid thing


The man seems to have a death wish

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He has a serious sense of misadventure.

Fair play to him

There was a Pope called Lando.

There are less than 100 Jews living in Egypt

Where / how did you learn that?

You can thank Moses for that

Back then they thought the meat tasted better if the bull had been baited.

Kilkenny had 200k

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Absolutely bonkers


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There would have to be some, don’t think the entire population of Kilkenny in 1841 was Jewish, no.

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Short doco on the BBC World Service last night about Nazis in Egypt

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That was Tipp.

They’re very Jewish in Tipp

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He surely meant Cavan

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