Things I learned today (Part 2)

peter buck and michael stipe contributed to the billy bragg track “you woke up my neighbourhood” and appeared in the video along with phil jupitus

We won the Pioneer Quiz Munster final in Charleville that day
cc @balbec

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I’d say they were all in a flap when they spotted their mistake.

My last year was 83 I think. I had graduated to pub quiz mercenary and Cross Country Quiz winner by then.

Tight cunts

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Something fishy alright.

I can now reveal a scandal in the Pioneer Quiz held in Mount Sion in the 1970s as the relevant individual, Ching (Mr O’Connell) is now dead. Ching set the questions and was the quizmaster. He was also a teacher in the school. The day of the county final he took us into the library and laid out all the questions and the answers and asked us not make it too obvious. So bizarrely we got ultra difficult questions like Muslim holy days right and questions like what is the county town of Waterford deliberately wrong. Our opponents (all adults) were gracious in defeat but bemused and probably put it down to the nerdishness of youth.
Ching died of brain cancer shortly afterwards so had probably taken leave of his senses. We’d have won anyway and it cheapened the victory for me such that I never even brought the trophy to the pub after.


Why was he called Ching?

Have a guess. :eye::eyes:
As an aside and as a commentary on the times he lived next door to us in Lismore Lawn in Waterford in digs. His landlords were Mr and Mrs Terry. Their two daughters were nuns and Mr Terry was head of the local Legion of Mary. There was great excitement locally when the cable company announced our road was going to get “piped” television in the early 1970s. We lived in the last house on the road, Mr Terry on the second last. Mr Terry then declared that not alone was he not going to get “that British filth” in his house, he wasn’t even going to let it pass through his property. So we were the only family on the road who never got the piped and we’d look on oblivious as the other kids on the road were discussing Starsky and Hutch or whatever.


That’s a lovely yarn

Did youse ever have a Daysha TV back in the day?


My mate from Lismore had one growing up and thought they were good yokes. They had a contract to supply a load of schools/colleges in England apparently. Curious if they were more dependable than the crap that the likes of Samsung put out today.

That old problem cropped up in Limerick suburbs as well but in the form of lads asking for a backhander to let the cable pass through.

A bit like Shannon rugby I guess.

:grinning:. Every street had a joyless cunt like Mr Terry on it.

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Huge hands !

Pavarotti’s first solo performance outside of his native Italy was in Dundalk


I’m surprised he ever left Italy again.


There was a radio documentary made, I think by the local station, on it a couple of years ago

You can NOT cycle from connolly Station to longford along the canal. Cc @flattythehurdler
Some bits of it are impassable for a rothar. There’s a thin bumpy path with a drop of about 30 foot down to the canal between blanch and coolmine.
It is savage though.