Things that annoy you about Ireland

Are you living in sheltered accommodation?

Cunts who tail gate on the Roads.


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Do you know whats really fucking stupid/dangerous driving wise (especially prominent in Limerick), pedestrian crossings right on roundabouts. Who the fuck came up with that bright idea? Was driving through the roundabout by the lodge the other day, your man in front turns off at the exit before mine and next thing he has to slam on the brakes to let a pedestrian across and because the crossing is right on the roundabout the arse of his car is still blocking me so I’ve to jam on as well. :rage:

I presume you’ve slamed the breaks a few times?


i tail gate slow drivers, i also like to flash my lights at learner drivers who are plodding along


My rule is if they are not driving in or around the speed limit then they’re fair game.


And he wants the keys to the tfk server?

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Artane roundabout is a prime example

I must have been doing this when I was in rush home last week stuck behind a slow driver. I’d say eventually they were sick of it because they pulled in to let me past, then followed on behind me. It must have annoyed them even more when I pulled into my house 100 yards further down the road.


that never happened

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How far out of their way should a pedestrian have to walk for you to be happy? If anyone has to slam on the brakes because a pedestrian is walking across a road they are a shit driver. It’s hardly like someone ran out onto the road.

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What kind of cunt walks out in front of a car exiting a roundabout?

Having pedestrian crossings immediately at the exit off a roundabout is ridiculous

How about 20 yards up the road when you’re building up a bit of speed?

Someone crossing a road at a pedestrian crossing it seems.

Had a near miss earlier. Was trotting along behind a horsebox on a jeep in a world of my own when the back of the fucking thing was suddenly in my face. Luckily my EBA (emergency brake assist) (fuck knows what that is) came to my assistance and saved a repeat of my infamous backending some rotten Tipperary bitch back in 1995.
Eventually got around the horse box and fucked off, horse or horses were wailing like fucking asses inside in it. Turns out the thick headed horsey bastard had rear ended a pair of Pakistanis cunts in a micra. Good and fucking proper he did them. Some mess.


it should be at least bus length away from the exit so that whatever vehicle has turned isn’t blocking the roundabout