Things that annoy you about Ireland

Giving a media platform to some roaster like Tomas O’Se to bore us to death with his twee anecdotes.

He’s one dull, annoying fucker.

Paidi this, Paidi that, yerra, shur lookit, don’t get me wrong I’ve done some things in the past myself.

Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off.


Better than listening to some Scottish speaking Nordie

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It’s not.

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Nope.its twee

You can add Anthony daly to that list, he is one boring fucker.
And sheedy would be in with a shout of roaster of the year in any year. I bet he bought that purple shirt and tie as a pre packaged combo in the local haberdashery.


Probably bought it in Nayna.


Not an Irish phenomenon though how many shit anecdotes do you hear ex English footballers trot out

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The English give media platforms to cockney wideboys like Arry Redknapp who can be quite entertaining though.

And drones like shearer. He is one tedious fucker on telly at least.

Joanne Cantwell.

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People who are very slow at ordering in coffee shops.

I was in my beloved Il Valentino, waiting for my sandwich when this apparition arrived at the counter. A balding grey middle aged man in a Hilfiger puffy jacket with a fur lined hood boot cut jeans and brown leather shoes. In short a picture of tastelessness. What is in this sandwich what is in that sandwich. I don’t like Parma ham can I have ordinary ham. Take the pickles out, I don’t like pickles. Then the clincher. What’s that. It’s an Apple chausson. What kind of apples are in it. My eyebrows had nearly made it half way down the back of my neck at this stage. The server looked into the distance thought for a second and said green ones. I’ll take one so



I find that place annoying these days I have to say. Plus their coffee lids don’t work.

I sorry to hear that you can’t operate a coffee lid.



I can operate a coffee lid, funny man. Theirs just don’t work. It is a common complaint about Il Valentino from those who live in the area.


people who take ages to drive on a green light leave me seething
im israel youd be trying to guess the lights and once you see green your flooring it, youre even rolling into the junction as the opposing lights are turning amber waiting to take off.

here you have the eejit adjusting his seat, taking a deep breath, looking left and right before slowly entering the junction smiling and straining his fucjing neck
In north kildare this is simply not on, you’d be lucky for 4 cars to squeeze out on a green and i am utterly seething when i see drivers not giving full aggressive endevour on a green light




FAO of @Rocko: The above an example of a post I’ve “liked” but also want to award a “funny” rating.

The UK system of amber then green should be something @Tassotti is proud of.

I very nearly rear ended some stupid cunt who must have just spotted the lights going amber as she passed through them. She jammed on the brakes, I had to jam on the brakes , then she decides she was being overly cautious, continues to take the turn leaving me stuck at a red light. I was fucking seething.