Things that annoy you about Ireland

Lads walking more than two abreast down a footpath like they are the Monkees and not falling back into single file when they meet another pedestrian


People who text radio shows and particular who text Ray D’Arcy to describe an emotional response to something they have heard. Feeble minded buffoons

And what will the next generation say about you? Sitting back letting the IMF waltz in, privitizing national resources, homelessness, obesity … That’s your legacy, you cunt.

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The attitude of acceptance when it comes to trying to instigate a change in attitude in society.

This is particularly evident when cunts go out and vote for a Co Councillor in a General Election rather than a legislator.

Deleted by mods.

Come back to me when I’m in my 60’s and I’ll point you to the glorious legacy my generation have left this country.

Our obsession with grief.

Tis sad alright


I’ll be too busy skipping queue’s to be worried about that shit by then, pal.

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I’m mostly happy with the country. The thing that annoys me the most are moaning cunts who constantly run the place down.


I personally railed against 2 or 3 of those things online.


My generation will put an end to queues

We won’t have to leave the house to que in the next 20 years… Most of us will be living on the moon by then tho.

The Skysports generation like @the_man_himself and @anon25556527 who refer to themselves as mancs and scousers. They’ll never be a Patriot like me.

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Even Cork?

the fact you cant express an opinion on this whole gay farce.
I just had my comment here deleted,
the whole “we” group think phenomen is utterly disgusting, the day “we” said “yes”, obviously the crowd of dilettantes and philistines who run this place fall right in with this

We’ll all be uploaded to the Internet by then pal. That’s if we aren’t already living in a simulation

You’re trying way too hard with the Cork thing, mate… I’ll be doing enough of that in the coming months/years so please step aside.

I don’t mind Cork people at all, their accents are hilarious.

Comic relief. I get ya. Carryon.