Things that annoy you about Ireland

You’ve been running with the ‘edgy’ anti gay thing for years now, pal. Can you not find new material?

you utter fool
the current government we have here have done an outstanding job dragging this mess that is weighed down with idle dross like you kicking and screaming out of the economic mess the place was in,
you can get a job in this country now if you want, people have a chance to earn money,
dopes on here complaining an moaning wishing for some leftist shower of windy fools running the place instead, ye were appeased enough with the yes to faggotisation, now shut the fuck up and let the rest of us get on with making money , at least we pay for a decent social welfare system for the layabout scum who populate the various rent a crowd protests, i presume by march the anti water crowd will have moved on to a justice for ISIS protest as they get the shit bombed out of them… the sense of entitlement people like you bave is disgusting, you should be taken out and made an example of… the current government is doing a smashing job, either fall in or fall out


why is it edgy?
what’s your problem with my opinions? are they too coarse for you?

Joe.IE and all websites of that ilk and their readers


Coarse? :rollseyes: I’d have more respect for them if they were - it’s stinks of try-hardism and you’ve been banging the same old drum for years now… you’re fixated with slagging of gay people and gay sex which says you’re either really insecure, gay yourself or you just lack imagination.

You support an EPL franchise and I don’t mate

there is nothing wrong with being insecure, gay and lacking imagination, i dont think anyone really minds what you respect, the fact that having an opinion is deemed offensive is what is sickening

That’s bizarre carry on for a fella who has watched 21 John Stone games this season.

I don’t think anyone has said you can’t have an opinion?

I’ve watched about 5 full games of him I’d say. I don’t have a sky sports subscription but enjoy watching soccer and Everton are a good team to watch by Premier League standards. You on the other hand are a fella who decided to support some proddy club in Liverpool and only stopped following them when they became shit

What has their christian denomination got to do with anything??? And Liverpool have been shit since 1991, mate… I’ve followed their fortunes for a long time after that so I don’t know what kind of shit you are spouting?

The obsession in the younger generation with world problems but not local ones. People donating fortunes or clothes to some crowd in Syria but wouldn’t care less about someone a few miles away whose house has been flooded

  1. People who vote for Fianna Fail, and to a lesser degree Fine Gael. At the least the Blue Shirts, horrid cunts as they are, have some semblance of an ideological position. The other cunts, I have never, in almost 5 decades of dealing with the cunts, understood what the cunts stood for. It’s like someone started a political party that was really a hereditary social club, who’s only purpose is to get elected.

  2. The Oirish propensity for cronyism, I’m alright jack, single issue, parish pump,politics.

  3. Drinking. What the fuck is wrong with Oirish people that they can’t socialise or have a good time without pouring massive amounts of alcohol down their throats? Are we that fucking unimaginative and socially retarded?

  4. Wingey nordie cunts. I’d like a 32 county ireland as much as the next man, but STFU and FOAD you wingey Nordie with your persecution complex.

  5. Driving on the wrong side of the road. FFS, do we have to ape the Brits at everything?

  6. Dublin. What a shithole of a city, and it’s our capital. Fuckall in the way of decent proper architecture. An overwhelmingly bland and uninspiring city in the grand scheme of world cities.

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Shit teams don’t win the Champions League mate. Liverpool are only truly shit since Suarez left and that’s when you decided to stop supporting them, spouting some shite excuse in the process if I remember correctly.

They stand for the same, more or less, but FF are more about the Country/Agrarian policies for rich pricks who look after the party whereas FG like to think that they’re more ethical as they take their money/orders from bigger business. Also FG haven’t been in power at the right time to really bring home the bacon.

What’s wrong with that? The money will go a lot further in a poor country and make a much bigger impact. The people with the waterlogged homes are comparatively a hell of a lot richer than a refugee.

Someone has a few grand: they can give aid to a refugee camp or contribute towards helping someone get new furniture.

It’s a no brainer to me.

Where did I ever say I stopped watching Liverpool?

Were/Are FG not the party of the large farmer?

Probably at one time.

Definitely the party of the farmer that thought he was part of the landed gentry.