Things that annoy you about Ireland

The food, the weather, the public transport etc.

I think I remember you saying it a few months ago, I’m not going to go trawling through posts to find it. So if I’m mistaken, are you telling me that you still support an EPL franchise then?


great post
i was on about this a few months back with these eejits off out raising money for Niall Mellon Ltd. in Cape Town stamping photos all over facebook of them grinning like cheshire cats with a slefie with a load of black kids , meanwhile you have families in the same town that they grew up in with a parent in prison another parent an alchoholic and the kids going to school filthy and starving spending their spare time picking up used cigarette butts to get enough for a rolly, how about you cunts pay that mother a visit and ask her could you clean the kitchen, help cook a hot meal for the kids, go up and help with a baby, they would in their fuck.
there are some treacherous bastards out there, shameless fuckers, down in youghal the locals are doing their best to fix the seafront, the local UDC have a facebook page, local lads comment etc, now this fucking hero who had flown the nest and is off prancing around the philipines at this building lark shoves up a post ( i must try and find it), a call to arms, asking people to question themselves who are, anything is possible, look what "we " have done in the Philipines, etc… it was nauseating, do you think the cunt would spend a saturday clering the slipway … not a fucking hope, but he’ll criticise local lads for trying


I still watch some Liverpool games on Netsport one and Foxsports. You on the other hand are led in your opinions by the Sun newspaper and Skysports, you’re typical sheep.

Only a fool thinks they can solve all the world’s problems.

all are perfectly fine

Get back on topic folks, the journalists need more ideas for a weekend article


im only getting warmed up

The only “analysis” I watch or read is Dunphy, Giles and Chippy. Only retards need lads on the telly to tell them what’s going on in a game

Not much really. It’s a beautiful country with a temperate climate. It’s a safe place to live - very little in the way of crime or dangerous wildlife. We have a functioning democracy, reasonable infrastructure, abundant food and modest unemployment. We have a free press, a strong judiciary and a working constitution. Imprisonment without trial is a rarity, torture is unheard of and no secret police force (that I am aware of). Corruption is minimal. Pollution is virtually non existent by international norms. We have a generous and tolerant population. We have a rich and varied indigenous cultural heritage. We managed to free ourselves from foreign oppression and then had the wit to avoid getting involved in the carnage of World War 2.

I would say that Ireland comfortably sits within the best 10 countries in the world to live and we have little enough to be annoyed about.


What about letting US war planes and troops refuel at Shannon airport so they can murder innocent people in the middle-east and other locations?

What about roasters?

Some classic whataboutery here.


aside from my 2 previous gripes , its a cracking place to live and work
the Work life balance here is the best i have encountered ( ok i have never lived in Scandinavia)
its a very peaceful relaxed place with decent people by and large who dont take life too seriously


Great post, as a former British PM said “you’ve never had it so good”

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Roasters are the best thing about Ireland

As mentioned above the trackie clad, hoodie wearing little cunts that make it impossible to walk home from a pub in most large towns nowadays.
Really, really gets on my wick.

So you’d rather throw money away to Syria rather than helping out your neighbours? You’re the type of lad who’ll probably donate to multiple online ‘causes’ but look down your nose at homeless locals begging around the corner from your house.

Threads that could be frivolous, entertaining and humour filled about life’s little annoyances getting bogged down in more student union esque navel gazing.

This is not a debating society for lads who were too shy to do it in school FFS sake

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