Things that annoy you about Ireland

Oh sorry. Eh signposts.


The public health service, the hypocrisy of moaners; such and such is a criminal scumbag, corrupt politician etc unless we know them or are related to them, then its excusable. The failure of politicians to hold themselves accountable for lying or corruption and resign. The failure of electorates to hold them accountable in the following election.The general grab all greed and compensation culture. The absolutely horrendous customer service and general laziness in all sectors of work. The way the wit and humour which was one of our best assets has morphed into delusions of hilarity and the desperate need for verification of this by social media.

But its not a bad country, we just compare ourselves to the best aspects of Britain, public services, transportation, general honesty in public life and forget we trump Britain in community spirit, relaxed pace of life etc The weather is fine, there’s still good food and veg, the ability to produce your own even, and there’s a plethora of top quality golf courses, links and parkland, accessible and affordable.

Utter bullshit. Why would I look down my nose at homeless locals? What kind of cunt would do that? What’s your issue with Syria? It is a fact that the same amount of money will have a much bigger impact on peoples’ lives in Syria than in Ireland. I don’t think Irish lives are somehow worth more and I don’t believe local charities are somehow more important, so it’s obvious to me where the money should go -to where it will have the biggest impact and have the most benefit.

In addition, we have more than enough money in this country to practically eradicate poverty if we ever chose to. In case you haven’t noticed my outlook is that a lot of measures should be taken to make Ireland a fairer society, you know, pinko lefty shite. The weakest in our society should not be reliant on local charity, they should be protected by the state. The Irish state is happy to wash their hands of the responsibility if charities will pick up the slack though. Another reason why resources should be sent to wherever they’re needed most rather than whatever is nearest to me.

It annoys me that types like Mick Wallace Richard Boyd Barrett Joan Collins Ming Flanagan etc etc can fool a shit load of the population, and that the best that the defence of these dumbwits can come up with is whataboutery.

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It’s the ‘Trevor Hogan syndrome’ that is rampant in Ireland at the moment and there are even a few diagnosed cases on this very forum.


The weather. To quote Horslips: “There’s too much rain for drive-in movies”.

Reviewing the process: We fucked the thing up because we were so busy jumping through the 1000 procedural hoops we needed to navigate to do the thing properly last time, but it’s OK because we have reviewed the process at great haste and now we have a much more comprehensive and detailed procedure in place for the next time we do the thing.

That type of Joe Duffy whingerism that can be summed up, no matter what the subject, by the oft repeated line: “Ya wujn’t geddit in any udder country in the werdled, Joe”. Ah yes - if I ever need to visit A&E, please God let it be in Sierra Leone or Honduras or anywhere but Ireland.

Our EU membership.

Use your elbow.

The weather. It’s a wonder we don’t all top ourselves.

Poor water pressure.

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Exhibit A

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The quisling, servile, love us - aren’t we great craic nature of the Oirish.


roasters, gombeens, backwards way of doing things, boot cut jeans and brown shoes still in fashion, shit weather, savage alcoholism a part of everyday life, chronic public services,


The woeful teaching of mathematics outside of the best schools.

A gentleman would offer it to a lady regardless of age.

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Bogger accents that change every few miles down the road… Noone knows what half the country is saying

The way the current generation have turned their back on the Catholic Church.


Our abuse of the Queen’s English is criminal.

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Would need to increase taxes for that level of distribution of resources. Can’t have it both ways.

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The horse racing crowd.