Things that annoy you about Ireland

Smartalleckism really disappoints me. Ever so much more prevalent these days with so much nepotism going on.

Donald trump. That fucking episode.


See cunt of the year thread

I was going to post summary along those lines. Rockos original post is bang on though. The Irish tend to worship mammon to his face, whilst trying to drag him down behind his back.

@glasagusban and their ilk who no longer place any value on looking after their local community. Pricks


Women drivers.

Moaning cunts who believe the State should look out for lazy layabouts.

Childcare prices.

The Garda traffic corps


Care for your own child you lazy layabout cunt


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That the majority of its female police officers have arses like Belgian blues.


You were bitching about the tax system earlier. That’s usually from people that think they pay too much. Or would you increase corporate taxes to fund your socialist Utopia?

The system, yes. I never said anything about paying too much. I definitely would, yes. Companies paying the actual corporation tax rate rather than 1 or 2% would be a start.

Systematic breeding of animals for torture is part of its culture. That’s very annoying.

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The willingness to whinge behind the curtain of anonymity.

If they get rid of the USC for anyone below 70k can they still call it the USC?

I’d echo Fagans sentiment - this is a great country to live in.

You actually dont appreciate it until youve lived outside the country for a few years.
I remember my first Christmas home while I was living in Germany.
I walked into my local about two nights before Christmas Eve

It was as if someone had just stopped time when I left. The same three fuckers sitting in the same three stools six months later and probably talking the same shite.
Sad in one way but very comforting in another as I was more or less greeted with “ah there he is now”

brutal roads, I really noticed the difference when I wast a home, even shitty b roads in England are like motorways compared to r roads in Ireland

Maybe in the west. The Celtic Tiger left us with one of the best road networks in Europe in most of Ireland east of the Shannon.

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there’s no road between cork and Limerick, and between Limerick and Waterford, the road from Limerick to Waterford is in fact scandalous