Things that annoy you about Ireland

The road surfaces around Dublin are a disgrace, Mac.

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The road from Limerick to Waterford is shocking alright.

All of them?

I came back through Rosslare on Sunday morning, jesus christ, twas like driving in a nightmare from Limerick down to Waterford

A lot of stuff being mentioned here would be applicable wherever you lived.


A lot of them, yes. Certainly around leafy Dublin 4 strangely enough. Drive down Haddington Road, then left at Slater and take a right onto Barrow Street. Go left then down Pearse Street and take a right down Macken Street. Third world shit.

You should have seen what it was like 20 years ago :grin:

Put some air in your tyres you moany cunt.


I’d take a left down Grand Canal Street and then a right onto Macken Street. Cut out the Pearse Street intersection there - that’s a nasty right turn.

Ah shove your thumb up your hole, ya cunt.

I was assuming @Horsebox was talking about cycling. You’d have to be mental to drive that.

One less for the lickarse thread

But then you’d miss the trip back in time of driving, or worse cycling, down the bumpy carnival ride that is Barrow Street. Although there is the consolation prize of ogling all the lovely googlers.

schools rugby

The voice of Ireland
Pure shite

Marian Finucane and her clique on the radio.

The media being controlled by big business interests and large sections of the population allowing themselves to be conditioned and manipulated by it.

Correct but we’re not unique in that one

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The bodkin roundabout, or whatever the fuck it is called. The entire traffic clusterfuck that is east of the river in galway.

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