Things That Are Wrong

“The man went under the front of the bus and was killed instantly when a wheel went over his head.”


Thats barbaric …at a guess it sounds like they were trying to rob his bike and he got a dig that sent him to the ground and under the bus…terrible…

Shocking story, he was decapitated. Will be interesting to see how this one develops.

Been down around that junction every day this week. Glad I missed this…

isn´t there railings just there?..always a load of bikes locked to them…

Clondalkin, always Clondalkin.

Near the entrance of Trinity yes, happened outside House of Ireland shop. Was there after it happened but didn’t see the deceased.

Just on Dawson there? Yeah there could be alright. What a way to go.

yeah i think directly across the road from Costa Cafe…poor lad and his family…I´d imagine that area is littered with cctv…

Outrageous conclusions from scant evidence.

did RTE not say he either got a punch or a push?..what was your conclusion from being there?

Only got as far down as Starbucks on Dawson Street. Heard it was a row about homeless spots.

RTE radio mentioned the lads were wearing “tracksuits and hooded tops”.

Hard to believe athletes were involved in this-RTE must have it arseways as usual.

A 29-year-old has been arrested in connection with an incident where a man died after he was hit by a bus in Dublin city centre.
The man is being questioned at Pearse Street Garda Station.

Earlier gardaí said they were searching for two men in connection with the death at the junction of Dawson Street and Nassau Street yesterday.

Gardaí believe the victim was involved in a confrontation at around 5.40pm and either fell, was punched or pushed on to the road where he was hit by a bus.

The man, who has not yet been identified but is thought to be in his 20s, sustained severe head injuries and died at the scene.

Gardaí are treating the death as suspicious and have appealed to anyone with information to contact them.

They have also spoken to a number of witnesses and are gathering CCTV footage from the shops, businesses and city council cameras in the area.
Dublin Bus is also carrying out an inquiry.

A spokesperson said the bus driver was treated in hospital for shock, but no passengers on the bus were injured.

A forensic examination of the scene was carried out this morning.

The left turn from Dawson Street onto Nassau Street has reopened after earlier diversions.

Your girlfriend moving out and seeking access to your dog. :rolleyes:

Silvio Berlusconi says he’s running to be premier again – for the good of Italy.

Italy needs President Berlusconi.

heard one today about a girl bringing her dog to see santa…WTF… :rolleyes: