Things That Are Wrong

You just haven’t met him yet.

Agreed. Can’t stand the man. Comes across as a smug cunt.



Yeah I think it’s music for people who don’t like music very much. He’s like an updated Daniel O’Donnell.

Don’t understand it either. Awful shite altogether. Inoffensive plastic pap.

:lol: :clap:


[quote=“Flano, post: 102300”]

You just haven’t met him yet.[/quote]


This story in today’s Irish Times.

Children at a north Kerry school who became upset after a visiting priest implied there was no Santa Claus have been reassured by parents and staff that the priest was mistaken, and Santa does indeed exist.

The priest who made the blunder while visiting the Scoil Mhuire gan Smal in Lixnaw last week believed he was speaking to mainly sixth class pupils.

Fr Martin Hegarty, a retired priest who was filling in for the parish priest, was visiting the school to explain the message of Christmas.

During an exchange with children in the 4th, 5th and 6th classes, Fr Hegarty implied Santa Claus did not exist. A number of children got upset and at least one 11-year-old child began crying.

A meeting of the board of management was called to discuss the matter.

Fr Hegarty, who is understood to be deeply embarrassed, told the Kerry’s Eye newspaper on Wednesday he did not realise the children were upset .

He also remarked to the newspaper that Irish children got more presents than other nationalities at Christmas time. “So they needn’t worry, the presents will come, whether Santy comes or not,” the priest said.

In a statement last night through the diocese of Kerry Fr Hegarty said the following:

“I regret any upset that I have caused to children and parents of Scoil Mhuire gan Smál. My intention was to talk about the birth of Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas. I must admit that Santa Claus is not my area of expertise.”

Some parents told their children “the priest was making it all up,” according to one parent who did not wish to be named.

I’m all for the magic of Santa, but is 11 not pushing it for still believing?

Very much so… But these things probably go unchecked a little longer in rural areas.

It’s Kerry Mbb. A lot of the adults still believe in pookas, curses, leprechauns, fairy forts and banshees. So it’s hard to blame the children.

Whoa lads, relax with the Santa doesn’t exist banter. Our younger members will be having fits if they see this.

Correct Flano. I think the last few posts should be deleted for Shan’s sake anyway.

everything about that is wrong. calling an emergency board of management meeting, the fact that it was published in a national newspaper, the unnamed parent quote, and priests talking shite still in schools. plus saying Santy isnt real. FFS sake.

Who said Santa doesn’t exist.

The priest.

I think you’ll see that he implied this rather than said it. And he also admitted that Santa was not his area of expertise.

:lol: :lol:

a fucking 11 year old started crying?

jesus wept