Things That Are Wrong

CM reveals himself as the complainant from earlier. He campaign has begun.

I wouldn’t poison my ears with that utter cunt of a station. You’ll fit right in up in the top tier with Chewy and co.

I couldn’t agree more. :pint:

Time will tell…I believe some pubs have started refusing groups of lads already if they believe they are doing the 12 pubs…now run along and continue slate TTK for putting up a few winners you horrible bitter cunt…

There were rumours of that on Saturday but it turned out that most of the pubs were just to full to let people in anyhow.

A couple of articles about the 12 pubs in the papers the last few days. Most barmen/pub owners weren’t great fans but seemed happy to accept it because it’s good money. To be honest, at this time of year, pubs are jammed full of parties, pub crawls etc so to be expecting a quiet drink with the regulars is a bit optimistic.

Little surprise that 75% of the birds pictured are fat.


did you get your Christas jumper fixed up after it was ruined?

Went for pints on Friday after work and avoided these 12 pubs cunts for the most part. Key is to head to a pub late on “a popular 12 pub route” early in the evening so these plebs won’t have reached it yet before doubling back to a pub that’s typically early in the route later on when they’ve largely passed through it. Arrived back down in The 51 (which would be Pub #4 or #5 on this cunting Baggot Mile) at around 8.30pm and the last of these retards were blowing their whistles and fucking off.

Should be grand, I won’t need you embroidery skills which you so kindly offered to help with the recovery process.

You’re one of these 2 pubs bastards are you? :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :clap:

the scotch people

fran bessier spending 2k to bring “tiddles” to australia with him

As usual we are ahead of the game down here and a few pubs in Limerick were already refusing those cunts last year.

The 51 was rammed full of these people at 10 o’clock last Saturday night. Men dressed as women and women wearing garish jumpers covered in lights so be warned. They all seemed to be having a good time so it didn’t bother me but I understand how seeing people enjoy themselves might upset some people.

you have never been in the 51 in your life you detestable retard

:lol: :lol: Me and you will be skulling pints there in 2 years time on your return to the motherland my friend.

great stuff. always there to help, you sounded in great distress that someone had ripped the baubles off your prized jumper.