Things That Are Wrong

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 102436”]

The 51 was rammed full of these people at 10 o’clock last Saturday night. Men dressed as women and women wearing garish jumpers covered in lights so be warned. They all seemed to be having a good time so it didn’t bother me but I understand how seeing people enjoy themselves might upset some people.[/quote]
Were those boys dressed up as the sportspeople of 2012 there at that stage?


Police in London are appealing for information after Christmas presents for seriously ill children were stolen from a hospital.
The presents, which were intended for children in the intensive care unit of Great Ormond Street Hospital in central London, were stolen some time between Friday and Monday from a non-public part of the hospital.

Inside job

looking that way

[quote=“Chavez, post: 102442”]Police in London are appealing for information after Christmas presents for seriously ill children were stolen from a hospital.
The presents, which were intended for children in the intensive care unit of Great Ormond Street Hospital in central London, were stolen some time between Friday and Monday from a non-public part of the hospital.[/quote]

Celtic Football Club have replaced all the presents, doing their bit for Anglo-Irish relations.

:clap: What a club

You mean returned yeah?

What is this 12 pubs shit? There is an organisation for pub crawls? What sort of cunt does that. Its unIrish that.


[quote=“Rocko, post: 102445”]

Celtic Football Club have replaced all the presents, doing their bit for Anglo-Irish relations.[/quote]

:clap: :ireland:

People saying “Yeah, I know” when they haven’t a fucking clue.

Yeah, I know.

Mac your obsessed …

Let it go…

Its a sign of acceptance & respect faldo. :wink:

No such thing around here carry…

Did you end up doing anything in the golf

No, it’s just impromptu cunts doing it themselves. There is also a slew of ‘hilarious’ kunts going around in Xmas jumpers (many with battery powered lights) this week. God be with the days when it was only kunts like Gay Byrne or Pat Kenny doing it on The Toy Show.

I assume the accepted way of greeting such cuntishness is by breaking their noses?

Stealing the batteries from their jumpers really pisses them off Fitzy.

[quote=“carryharry, post: 102458”]

Stealing the batteries from their jumpers really pisses them off Fitzy.[/quote]

Croppy boy knows all about this