Things That Are Wrong

True. Thanks pal.

On Merrion Square South, DCC have installed a cashless card machine for pay parking. As a BOI customer I get charged as much as 28c for a card transaction, including a transaction on this fucking thing. Why the fuck would I add 28c to my parking bill? FOAD.

Des Bishop is making me feel very wrong about my drinking on RTE1. :shakefist:

If you carry out a certain number of transactions per quarter online then boi don’t charge you fees.

Whoever decided to give Des Bishop a cameraman & director to film an hour long program on drink. :rolleyes:

I believe your information is many months out of date, Mac, BOI current accounts are charged 28c per transaction if you are pay as you go, online transactions themselves are also charged at that rate.


Fuck off.

Yeah every single transaction is 28c unless you switch to the quarterly fee of €11.40 which works out better for me. They’ll be charging for contactless from April too which kind of defeats the purpose imho.]

They are a shower of cunts. I am with AIB and last quarter got charged around €25 for transactions-when I rang them up, the sheepish lady said they had changed the conditions for not charging from doing a certain amount of online transactions to having to have €3k in my current account. I asked her why I wasn’t told that this change was happening and she mumbled something about it not being up to her to do that. I’ve moved money over from my savings so that I will always have the balance but of course I am losing out on interest on that now but I’ll be fucked if I am paying them €100 a year or so for charging me for spending my own fucking money.

I’m still on a student account. Free Banking :lol:

 [quote=carryharry" data-cid=“735713” data-time="1360277658]
Whoever decided to give Des Bishop a cameraman & director to film an hour long program on drink. :rolleyes:

HOw bad was it??

This idiot getting caught cheating on the radio. :slight_smile: tP8581wEEFM

Very bad bud, just cos that fucker can’t handle his drink he feels the need to lecture the nation. :rolleyes:

Best avoided.

Exactly how I felt. Not everyone has to go out and get blitzed like Des Bishop did when he was drinking. Yanks could never drink anyway.

The thing about it was, that everyone who he showed being messy drunk in town was no more than about 22 years old. This is what kids do. Then they grow out of it. Some people become alcoholics, like Des, and I’m sorry for them. But most people don’t and as far as I’m concerned, it’s a badge of dishonour if you can’t handle your sauce after the age of about 25. So Des should fuck off. Playing Bernard Hermann’s amazing theme tune for Taxi Driver while he drove down Harcourt Street was a cultural crime.

Stupid programme.

That guy he interviewed about so-called ‘Arthur’s Day’ was bang on though. Fucking apes.

Des Bishop is not funny and is a complete asshole.

I missed this show last night because I was out getting blind drunk.

I’ve no idea how I got home, or how I woke up on the couch this morning, despite being put to bed in an upstairs room.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 103254”]Exactly how I felt. Not everyone has to go out and get blitzed like Des Bishop did when he was drinking. Yanks could never drink anyway.

The thing about it was, that everyone who he showed being messy drunk in town was no more than about 22 years old. This is what kids do. Then they grow out of it. Some people become alcoholics, like Des, and I’m sorry for them. But most people don’t and as far as I’m concerned, it’s a badge of dishonour if you can’t handle your sauce after the age of about 25. So Des should fuck off. Playing Bernard Hermann’s amazing theme tune for Taxi Driver while he drove down Harcourt Street was a cultural crime.

Stupid programme.[/quote]

The irish reliance on drink is an exaggeration?? Gimme a break ffs thrawneen.
It’s an absolute fact that thousands of Irish people who are well over the age of 25 get blind drunk every weekend. We all know plenty of people who do the dog on it and drink shorts etc regularly and can’t remember what they did and how they got home well into their 30s. It’s something our patents generation didn’t do half as much and is a genuine issue in modern Ireland well worth highlighting and debating whether you like des bishop or not. To say otherwise is deluded.
The point about the night only being good craic for the first 6/7 pints and a waste of time after that is something that dawned on me far too late and yet I’m still powerless to go home early any of the rare nights I’m out these days.

It’s something our patents generation didn’t do half as much and is a
genuine issue in modern Ireland well worth highlighting and debating
whether you like des bishop or not.

Really Gola? :strokechin:

I don’t think so pal. :pint: