Things That Are Wrong

Nightclub owner Peter Stringfellow, 72, has announced that his wife Bella, 30, is expecting.

[quote=“carryharry, post: 103259”]It’s something our patents generation didn’t do half as much and is a
genuine issue in modern Ireland well worth highlighting and debating
whether you like des bishop or not.

Really Gola? :strokechin:

I don’t think so pal. :pint:[/quote]

Drinking vodka and red bull and the likes in night clubs in their late 20s/ 30s? Not a hope. Especially not women

<img src=“” alt="wright_bella_stringfellow.jpg]

She’s some lash in fairness, far from being wrong I think Peter has done well for himself here.

Drinking glasses/pints of Harp till they fall down is no better pal.

There was no drink in the dance halls.

Where in the fuck did I say that???

Yeah, many from every age-group get blind drunk every weekend. Like most of the rest of the world. What’s the fucking problem unless it becomes a problem? And I’m speaking as someone who it actually has become a little bit of a problem for and I’ll be signing in to Totti’s sobriety thread soon. But we need to stop being so hard on ourselves regarding our boozing. The Yanks, Aussies, Ruskis, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilians…everyone does it.

Yer wan Maia Dunphy who had the show about women drinking wine every night had more substance to her show in about 2 minutes than Bishop managed in 30, just as an aside.

The difference is Irish people are fuckin stupid.

it’s wrong for a decrepit old git like that to be fathering a child…that’s of course assuming he is the father

yeah, expecting him to die shortly

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 103265”]The irish reliance on drink is an exaggeration?? Gimme a break ffs thrawneen.
It’s an absolute fact that thousands of Irish people who are well over the age of 25 get blind drunk every weekend. We all know plenty of people who do the dog on it and drink shorts etc regularly and can’t remember what they did and how they got home well into their 30s. It’s something our patents generation didn’t do half as much and is a genuine issue in modern Ireland well worth highlighting and debating whether you like des bishop or not. To say otherwise is deluded.
The point about the night only being good craic for the first 6/7 pints and a waste of time after that is something that dawned on me far too late and yet I’m still powerless to go home early any of the rare nights I’m out these days.

Where in the fuck did I say that???

Yeah, many from every age-group get blind drunk every weekend. Like most of the rest of the world. What’s the fucking problem unless it becomes a problem? And I’m speaking as someone who it actually has become a little bit of a problem for and I’ll be signing in to Totti’s sobriety thread soon. But we need to stop being so hard on ourselves regarding our boozing. The Yanks, Aussies, Ruskis, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilians…everyone does it.

Yer wan Maia Dunphy who had the show about women drinking wine every night had more substance to her show in about 2 minutes than Bishop managed in 30, just as an aside.[/quote]

Whether its a problem or not is up for debate. That’s what I’m saying. Ourselves the Brits and the Aussies seem to be the biggest binge drinkers. Anyone who’s ever been abroad can tell you that. It’s part of our ‘charm’ as the programme touched on and it’s not a stereotype for no reason. Maybe it’s just the way we are and won’t change but to completely just wave it away as nothing would be silly too.

We do it far more to excess compared to most other nations. Pay a visit to any A@E department on weekend or student nights out, you wont find those scenes in many other countries. Youre living with your head up your ass if you think it is only a bit of youthful fun tho. The nature at which our young drink and the copious amounts of hard liquor they are downing is frightful. It’s all naggins knocked back in two slugs- Half of them dont know what’s going on and are completely out of it. You dont see that carry on from other nations bar the brits perhaps. Foreign folk like a drink yes, but not to the point that they are out of control, not paddy tho, he/she have to push it to the limit. Yeah, we all had fun when younger and got fucked up, but not to the proportion that many do today. The abuse to their body is going to be something that is going to haunt this current generation when older- The body cant consistently handle downing alcohol in such fashion.

I’m going on the beer in a provincial down tonight. I’ll report back on any drunkedness I see.


[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 103270”]Where in the fuck did I say that???

Yeah, many from every age-group get blind drunk every weekend. Like most of the rest of the world. What’s the fucking problem unless it becomes a problem? And I’m speaking as someone who it actually has become a little bit of a problem for and I’ll be signing in to Totti’s sobriety thread soon. But we need to stop being so hard on ourselves regarding our boozing. The Yanks, Aussies, Ruskis, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilians…everyone does it.

Yer wan Maia Dunphy who had the show about women drinking wine every night had more substance to her show in about 2 minutes than Bishop managed in 30, just as an aside.

We do it far more to excess compared to most other nations. Pay a visit to any A@E department on weekend or student nights out, you wont find those scenes in many other countries. Youre living with your head up your ass if you think it is only a bit of youthful fun tho. The nature at which our young drink and the copious amounts of hard liquor they are downing is frightful. It’s all naggins knocked back in two slugs- Half of them dont know what’s going on and are completely out of it. You dont see that carry on from other nations bar the brits perhaps. Foreign folk like a drink yes, but not to the point that they are out of control, not paddy tho, he/she have to push it to the limit. Yeah, we all had fun when younger and got fucked up, but not to the proportion that many do today. The abuse to their body is going to be something that is going to haunt this current generation when older- The body cant consistently handle downing alcohol in such fashion.[/quote]

I actually wouldn’t say they’re much worse bingers than we were but it’s probably getting progressively worse over time alright. I reckon the massive binging that goes on amongst the 20s/30s generation on sporting trips/stags/festive occasions didn’t go on near as much years ago probably because of money more than anything. The likes of Fagan would be in a better position to compare that though.

I’m off to carrick for the weekend, I don’t plan on remembering any of it, hup :pint:

From my own expereice, I always drank cans or pints when younger… maybe the odd flagon of cider as a pup, but the point is that you drank gradually and as such got pissed gradually. Yeah, you had a few small ones later in the night but at that stage it was one or two as you were pissed and too busy hunting minge. As I said previously the current generation dont/ wont spend money as such so skull back as much as they can as fast as they can on cheap grog to get wrecked and the majority just can’t take it, girls particularly! When you see them pissing in shop door ways and being carried around by mates, that’s fucked up. A whole culture is being lost with it, these cunts go into a pub now and it’s hide in the corner, intermittently sneak to the jacks to down a drink and back to the corner. They’d die if they had to engage an auld lad or barman in conversation…

The future lies in farming kidneys and livers- back to the good old days of cutting people open and removing their bits and bobs to sell on the blackmarket.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

 [quote=fistoffury" data-cid=“735939” data-time="1360344629]
I’m off to carrick for the weekend, I don’t plan on remembering any of it, hup :pint:

The best way to deal with Carrick

I see on the STV website some lad has been fined £200 for feeding a ham roll to a police horse. :lol:

I think Thrawneen’s actually on the money here. There have been studies that show the Irish population drastically overestimates the extent of alcohol abuse because of colonially imposed stereotype of ‘the drunken Irish’, which like many colonial stereotypes become internalised by the colonised people. By contrast, populations in countries with a significantly worse alcohol abuse problem than Ireland tend not to think they have that bad of a drink problem at all.

Jaysus you lead a sheltered life pal. Have you ever been outside of Ireland?

Spend a weekend in Liverpool,Newcastle, Sydney or Edinburgh and report back to us with that please. :rolleyes: