Things That Are Wrong

Those are 3 complete wastelands you’ve listed there.

Can’t argue with the diversity of foreign culture carryharry has seen :lol:

Feeling your age. Collected the young lad from his wan’s house and had a 10 minute chat with her father about when we played football together in the 90s.

I live a sheltered life? I take it you are being sarcastic after the list of cities you’ve thrown out?? I’ve been to all and beyond… why don’t you try getting outside the commonwealth a bit more and see how civilized people live. But therein lies my problem, I am used to socializing with a higher class of person and am removed from the peasant mentality, hence my horror at the scenes I witness out and about among the common folk. Being a Tipp man who holidays exclusively in the commonwealth you know of nothing else. What a horrible existence some people truely live. No wonder you have to smoke yourself silly every night, who in their right mind could live a normal life surrounded by such a yokel way of life.

I hope her father isn’t TTK or your young lad is in for a torrid time


Having lived in mainland Britain last year I have come to the conclusion that they drink a lot more than the Irish and can’t handle their drink nearly as well, maybe that’s just Scottish people but having visited other British cities - there is a completely depressing and sombre atmosphere in existence there. That’s not to say the extent to which the Irish drink isn’t disgusting. I have cut back from going out most weekends to rarely going out and I must say the physical and mental well being is fantastic, not to mention the money you save and the time you have to carry out other tasks.

What is also sickening is the condescending and sneery attitude gola has taken up on this thread, it is no surprise as he just can’t help himself at times.

Looking forward to welcoming you to The Sobriety Thread, Thraw.


You must of been smoking something posting that shite yesterday. :lol: :lol:

Time to do other tasks? :lol: I’d say you live a very full life alright.

Yes. I am a resourceful and intelligent man.

[quote=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 103289”]Time to do other tasks? :lol: I’d say you live a very full life alright.

Yes. I am a resourceful and intelligent man.[/quote]

You’re living a lie is your main problem

[quote=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 103289”]

Yes. I am a resourceful and intelligent man.[/quote]
Yea, good one :smiley:

I’m not, you’re wrong.

[quote=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 103292, member: 1052”]

I’m not, you’re wrong.[/quote]
You’re Walter, thats what you are.

There has been a good few break ins around the neighbourhood recently. House mate text to say she heard the door being tried last night and I thought I heard it a couple of times myself over the last 2 weeks but dismissed it as imagining it!

How much and where would one buy a baseball bat ??

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 736242, member: 168”]There has been a good few break ins around the neighbourhood recently. House mate text to say she heard the door being tried last night and I thought I heard it a couple of times myself over the last 2 weeks but dismissed it as imagining it!

How much and where would one buy a baseball bat ??[/quote]
A hurl would do a better job, some Clare lads will be able to lend you one.

A hurl will break… and Clare lads call it a hurley.

One would purchase a baseball bat in any decent sporting goods store.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 736242, member: 168”]There has been a good few break ins around the neighbourhood recently. House mate text to say she heard the door being tried last night and I thought I heard it a couple of times myself over the last 2 weeks but dismissed it as imagining it!

How much and where would one buy a baseball bat ??[/quote]

Would ya not just head down to the hardware store and get an axe handle. That would do the job as good as a baseball bat or Hurley.:slight_smile:

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 736242, member: 168”]There has been a good few break ins around the neighbourhood recently. House mate text to say she heard the door being tried last night and I thought I heard it a couple of times myself over the last 2 weeks but dismissed it as imagining it!

How much and where would one buy a baseball bat ??[/quote]
telephone [SIZE=14px]FONT=Dosis (0) (1) 8780255, and just ask for Martin…you’re sorted[/FONT][/SIZE]