Things That Are Wrong

[quote=“Elvis Brandenberg Kremmen, post: 743063, member: 1624”]Bastards who cut out of a side road in front of you and then crawl along the main road. This happened to me twice today and both times there was nothing behind me so it wasn’t as if they couldn’t have waited a second.

The dirty evil bastards.[/quote]

I’ve been fucked by this a few times this week. Rot in hell, rural filth buckets.

Hospitals plugging brand names rather than using generic descriptions of products. I’m not talking about medicine here. I have been to hospital twice in the last year with the kids. First time a nurse recommended that I use Vaseline when changing my new born’s nappies. When I corrected her politely by saying ‘or any other petroleum jelly’ she looked at me like I had 2 heads. If that blatant pushing of brands wasn’t enough I was in again last weekend with the young lad. He was getting an operation and the nurse said that ‘he can’t have food but can have water or flat 7up’. I again suggested ‘or any other white lemonade’ and she the said ‘sure sprite or that would be grand’. Why name drop the 2 biggest corporations in the sofa pop industry?
The HSE needs urgent reform and getting out of the pockets of multinationals is a good place to start.

[quote=“croppy, post: 743081, member: 230”]Hospitals plugging brand names rather than using generic descriptions of products. I’m not talking about medicine here. I have been to hospital twice in the last year with the kids. First time a nurse recommended that I use Vaseline when changing my new born’s nappies. When I corrected her politely by saying ‘or any other petroleum jelly’ she looked at me like I had 2 heads. If that blatant pushing of brands wasn’t enough I was in again last weekend with the young lad. He was getting an operation and the nurse said that ‘he can’t have food but can have water or flat 7up’. I again suggested ‘or any other white lemonade’ and she the said ‘sure sprite or that would be grand’. Why name drop the 2 biggest corporations in the sofa pop industry?
The HSE needs urgent reform and getting out of the pockets of multinationals is a good place to start.[/quote]

Are you for fucking real mate?

Do you actually think management direct their staff to do this? Do you not think its more personal ignorance rather than hospital policy?

[quote=“croppy, post: 743081, member: 230”]Hospitals plugging brand names rather than using generic descriptions of products. I’m not talking about medicine here. I have been to hospital twice in the last year with the kids. First time a nurse recommended that I use Vaseline when changing my new born’s nappies. When I corrected her politely by saying ‘or any other petroleum jelly’ she looked at me like I had 2 heads. If that blatant pushing of brands wasn’t enough I was in again last weekend with the young lad. He was getting an operation and the nurse said that ‘he can’t have food but can have water or flat 7up’. I again suggested ‘or any other white lemonade’ and she the said ‘sure sprite or that would be grand’. Why name drop the 2 biggest corporations in the sofa pop industry?
The HSE needs urgent reform and getting out of the pockets of multinationals is a good place to start.[/quote]

name any brand of petroleum jelly?

Why would you want to name any brand of petroleum jelly? Tesco own brand petroleum jelly is what I am using at the moment although I suspect it contains mainly horsemeat.
Only the most innocent would not see the hospital staff as paid puppets of the big brands as they push their high mark up branded medical over the counter consumables

[quote=“croppy, post: 743081, member: 230”]Hospitals plugging brand names rather than using generic descriptions of products. I’m not talking about medicine here. I have been to hospital twice in the last year with the kids. First time a nurse recommended that I use Vaseline when changing my new born’s nappies. When I corrected her politely by saying ‘or any other petroleum jelly’ she looked at me like I had 2 heads. If that blatant pushing of brands wasn’t enough I was in again last weekend with the young lad. He was getting an operation and the nurse said that ‘he can’t have food but can have water or flat 7up’. I again suggested ‘or any other white lemonade’ and she the said ‘sure sprite or that would be grand’. Why name drop the 2 biggest corporations in the sofa pop industry?
The HSE needs urgent reform and getting out of the pockets of multinationals is a good place to start.[/quote]

im sure the way you leeringly said " or any other petroleum" and winked at the nurse had nothing to do with her looking at you like you had 2 heads

[quote=“croppy, post: 743087, member: 230”]Why would you want to name any brand of petroleum jelly? Tesco own brand petroleum jelly is what I am using at the moment although I suspect it contains mainly horsemeat.
Only the most innocent would not see the hospital staff as paid puppets of the big brands as they push their high mark up branded medical over the counter consumables[/quote]

Come back KIB man.

[quote=“Elvis Brandenberg Kremmen, post: 743063, member: 1624”]Bastards who cut out of a side road in front of you and then crawl along the main road. This happened to me twice today and both times there was nothing behind me so it wasn’t as if they couldn’t have waited a second.

The dirty evil bastards.[/quote]

They should be executed

Elvis should trade up the Morris Minor so he can pass these old folks safely.

[quote=“croppy, post: 743081, member: 230”]Hospitals plugging brand names rather than using generic descriptions of products. I’m not talking about medicine here. I have been to hospital twice in the last year with the kids. First time a nurse recommended that I use Vaseline when changing my new born’s nappies. When I corrected her politely by saying ‘or any other petroleum jelly’ she looked at me like I had 2 heads. If that blatant pushing of brands wasn’t enough I was in again last weekend with the young lad. He was getting an operation and the nurse said that ‘he can’t have food but can have water or flat 7up’. I again suggested ‘or any other white lemonade’ and she the said ‘sure sprite or that would be grand’. Why name drop the 2 biggest corporations in the sofa pop industry?
The HSE needs urgent reform and getting out of the pockets of multinationals is a good place to start.[/quote]
Hospital staff should be reminded to use generic names each morning through a tannoy announcement.

[quote=“croppy, post: 743081, member: 230”]Hospitals plugging brand names rather than using generic descriptions of products. I’m not talking about medicine here. I have been to hospital twice in the last year with the kids. First time a nurse recommended that I use Vaseline when changing my new born’s nappies. When I corrected her politely by saying ‘or any other petroleum jelly’ she looked at me like I had 2 heads. If that blatant pushing of brands wasn’t enough I was in again last weekend with the young lad. He was getting an operation and the nurse said that ‘he can’t have food but can have water or flat 7up’. I again suggested ‘or any other white lemonade’ and she the said ‘sure sprite or that would be grand’. Why name drop the 2 biggest corporations in the sofa pop industry?
The HSE needs urgent reform and getting out of the pockets of multinationals is a good place to start.[/quote]
Sofa pop

Very good Sidney! (Don’t know how to do smiley face)

cunts who park in designated disabled car park spaces and they not needing the use that they are designed for.

In a car park now, and there is a car in all but 4 of the approximately 30 spaces, and I can only see one car with the blue disabled sticker. One prick in a land Rover thought one space wasn’t enough to park in, so is taking up 2 spaces whilst he walked in to do his shopping.

cunts one and all.

[quote=“Gman, post: 743209, member: 112”]cunts who park in designated disabled car park spaces and they not needing the use that they are designed for.

In a car park now, and there is a car in all but 4 of the approximately 30 spaces, and I can only see one car with the blue disabled sticker. One prick in a land Rover thought one space wasn’t enough to park in, so is taking up 2 spaces whilst he walked in to do his shopping.

cunts one and all.[/quote]

I hope you shared your disdain with that bollocks Gman.

[quote=“Gman, post: 743209, member: 112”]cunts who park in designated disabled car park spaces and they not needing the use that they are designed for.

In a car park now, and there is a car in all but 4 of the approximately 30 spaces, and I can only see one car with the blue disabled sticker. One prick in a land Rover thought one space wasn’t enough to park in, so is taking up 2 spaces whilst he walked in to do his shopping.

cunts one and all.[/quote]

The penalty for these cunts parking in disabled spaces should be to be inflicted with a disablity. A few amputations would sort these untermensch out.

Mr. Ahmedinijad of Tehran has been an inspiration of late…

I tackled a lady about this issue in Supervalu I Killester one day. Told her she didn’t look very disabled to me. She told me to fuck off and mind my own business.

Maybe she had Tourettes?

Dragging a coin along the side of the offending car would be in order