Things That Are Wrong

An old 50 pence coin was ideal for cunts mentioned above.

Nothing fucking worse. Hate these cunts. Happens to me most mornings going to work. I know I will have fucking idiots in tractors crawling along the road over the next few weeks.:frowning:

Yanks who refer to the 17th March as ‘St Patties Day’



also useful for throwing at Davy Fitzgerald

Just watching Una Healy on the box and her accent is wrong wrong wrong, It’s not even Tipp it’s a travelers accent.

This fucking soft soap that is going on on the News about the lad who held his own three year old daughter down in the water and drowned her and then killed himself. Gardai are calling it a tragic incident and Plastic Sheeting is shiting on about a curlew calling and a dog barking. FFS. Why don’t they call it what it is. Child murder and suicide. They are only normalising this behaviour by failing to call it for what it is.

Well said fagan why didn’t he just fuckin do himself in the fuckin cunt

[quote=“croppy, post: 743087, member: 230”]Why would you want to name any brand of petroleum jelly? Tesco own brand petroleum jelly is what I am using at the moment although I suspect it contains mainly horsemeat.
Only the most innocent would not see the hospital staff as paid puppets of the big brands as they push their high mark up branded medical over the counter consumables[/quote]

Leave nurses alone and stop shopping in Tesco if you really want to stop the march of multinational corporations you clown


[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 745440, member: 686”]The sooner the media start calling a spade a spade the sooner something might actually be done about mental health in Ireland.

Antidepressants fired out over a counter willy nilly, no monitoring, no plan…

Prescriptions keep being written month by month without the patient being assessed at all.

Who knows the finer details of this case in cork here but Fagan is correct about stating FACTS there a 3 year old girl after being murdered and then her Dad killed himself. [/quote]

i see his GGA club has issued a statement describing him as “just a regular bloke”

Regular blokes don’t go round murdering their 3 year olds


they said the same bout larry murphy iirc

Oisin Langan. Again.

My worst nightmare.

Prosecutor Alan Richards said she behaved “somewhat unpleasantly” and said had recently had sex with Mr Henderson.

The court heard Miss Caplan was understandably upset and Mr Henderson was keen for them to be left alone

:smiley: Funny, mind you. I’d say he was very very keen, was Darius.

The funniest thing about that story is the headline

Footballer ‘punched Good Samaritan’ after ‘sex claims’

Ha ha ha ha ha.

I usually sympathise with them and mention that they need to park close as they are so fucking fat. Now that gets right up their noses. I’m usually on a bike and able to beat a retreat should one try to phagocytose me.

Bandage starting up a conversation with an old man in the pub about rugby football. Awful hypocrisy. The sooner Bandage declares his love for the game the better.

I’m willing to wait to hear Bandage’s side of the story here rocko.