Things That Are Wrong

No other airline would necessarily do the route , they MIGHT charge more than 50 a bag or they MIGHT charge 900 for the flight and leave you take a bag for free. The thing is you have nothing to compare it too so you could possibly be getting the deal of the year so why not think that way.

FAO of BenShermin[/USER] - can you please provide [USER=1537]Horsebox with a convenient sail and rail route to Malta by midday?

An international business traveler such as yourself should know only too well Chewy that time is money.

Fair enough if on business travel but if you are going away for 5 days to a wedding it shouldn’t impact you that much if it takes 4 and a half hours as opposed to 3

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 760290, member: 1537”]Ridiculous argument-if Ryanair didn’t do that route, then somebody else would and they might not necessarily be cuntish and charge €50 for a bag.

We are going for 5 days and I have to bring a suit. I’m not sure what kind of women(apologies mbb this is for the other lads) ye are going out with but if ye are able to fit your own and her stuff in one 15kg bag for nearly a week’s holiday, then she is some smelly tramp. If ye are happy to be treated like animals just because you have the gall to want to go to another country, then that’s up to ye but I for one crave a society that wants more than that.[/quote]
First part, not necessarily.

Second part, 5 days I assume two of which include travelling. 1 10 kilo bag plus my suit in the other bag would be more than enough for me. Any lady should be able to make do 10 kilos plus 15 kilos minus a suit for 5 days. Will it be sunny? In that case ye’d need even fewer clothes. That is of course, if you want to be tight and not pay for an extra bag. Why do you need 25 kilos of luggage for 5 days you big diva?

People moaning about Ryanair.

FFS it ain’t too long ago since it was standard for Aer Lingus and BA to charge £250 for a flight to London. O’Leary has revolutionised the airline industry and has opened the door to hundreds of new cities at some extremely affordable prices.

I have never felt “scammed” by them. Granted their website can be a bit of a head-fuck but once you can read and play by their rules on the day then you can have no complaints. Don’t moan if you forget to print your boarding pass, don’t moan if they pull you up for having too much carry on luggage, don’t moan if you don’t get to the gate on time. All of this is spelt out for you when booking your flight.

O’Leary isn’t trying to rip off anyone. You have a choice before hand to accept his rules or not. He has said openly for years that their business model is created to target and incentivise people who are happy to travel light. He has created a “win-win” …for us with cheap flights and for them to lower costs.

[quote=“glasagusban, post: 760298, member: 1533”]First part, not necessarily.

Second part, 5 days I assume two of which include travelling. 1 10 kilo bag plus my suit in the other bag would be more than enough for me. Any lady should be able to make do 10 kilos plus 15 kilos minus a suit for 5 days. Will it be sunny? In that case ye’d need even fewer clothes. That is of course, if you want to be tight and not pay for an extra bag. Why do you need 25 kilos of luggage for 5 days you big diva?[/quote]
I’d say it probably will be sunny in Malta during the summer alright-hopefully anyway. If I didn’t need to bring a suit a carry on bag would have done me. I am starting to wonder have any of ye boys ever traveled abroad with a lady friend though, particularly to a wedding. I have no doubt that she will be over the 15kg at the desk and will shoving shit into my bag in a panic-bitches be fucking crazy man.

It’s because his husband has his balls in a vice.

Horsebox, looks like you’ll have to wear your suit and a few pairs of your bird’s knickers on the flight to cut down on luggage. Please think outside the box here.

Des Cahill reporting two horses having sex with each other as news

Ah yes. So you’re giving out about Ryanair because your bird can’t pack light and you can’t get her to fall in line. You need to get your priorities in order horsebox mate.

He could also buy an extra seat for his suit if he has a moral issue with the luggage charge.

Bandage :o

What happened there?! Corrected. I apologise for any emotional distress caused to bandage or those close to him.

Looks like I will be wearing her panties so-again. Thanks for all the advice lads and I see now how foolish I’ve been.

[quote=“Phil Leotardo, post: 760303, member: 197”]People moaning about Ryanair.

FFS it ain’t too long ago since it was standard for Aer Lingus and BA to charge £250 for a flight to London. O’Leary has revolutionised the airline industry and has opened the door to hundreds of new cities at some extremely affordable prices.

I have never felt “scammed” by them. Granted their website can be a bit of a head-fuck but once you can read and play by their rules on the day then you can have no complaints. Don’t moan if you forget to print your boarding pass, don’t moan if they pull you up for having too much carry on luggage, don’t moan if you don’t get to the gate on time. All of this is spelt out for you when booking your flight.

O’Leary isn’t trying to rip off anyone. You have a choice before hand to accept his rules or not. He has said openly for years that their business model is created to target and incentivise people who are happy to travel light. He has created a “win-win” …for us with cheap flights and for them to lower costs.[/quote]
Some fair points Phil but a couple of things. O’Leary has not revolutionised the airline industry-he has merely taken the Southwest Airline model to the nth degree. I don’t have a problem with them normally because I never use them where possible-they offer a shit service, they have nothing but cunts working for them and unless you want to fly at 4 in the morning on a Tuesday to an airport 40 miles from your destination, then they don’t offer particularly cheap flights. I always fly Aer Lingus when they are an option as their service is miles better and normally in around the same price. It is situations like this where Aer Lingus don’t fly there when I have to use them that the cunts come onto my radar. Anyway, it’s sorted now because I’ll either be wearing a load of thongs on the flight or Bandage will come up with some ferry options so all is well that ends well.

It depends what you are looking for, I have reason to fly to Kerry from time to time. Ryanair were running the route for a couple of years and it was great, the plane always left on time and they flew in to Dublin at reasonable time slots. Aer Lingus have since taken it over and they fly at stupid times and are constantly late. They give everyone an assigned seat which really delays the fucking take off, rather than just lashing everybody in.
That said I’d prefer to fly Aer Lingus to somewhere further away as it’s more comfortable. Aer Lingus have caught up with Ryanair in a number of areas and their pricing has dramatically improved but if Ryanair didn’t exist we’d be still paying ridiculous prices to fly. It’s good to have competion keeping the other companies honest.
You have to admire O’Leary when you think of how he has grown Ryanair from nothing to the biggest Airline in Europe in a couple of decades, particularly when you consider the monopolistic problems he has had to overcome.

They are vastly different to Southwest and that’s the revolutionary part. Southwest pride themselves on customer service, Ryanair are the opposite. Aggressive pricing and a commitment to fly the same fleet is a common feature but to be fair to Ryanair they took that model and added an awful lot (or took a lot away) to get where they are.

I don’t think the flight times issue is correct. They fly at the same times as other airlines but their prices obviously reflect demand.

At the risk of being repetitive (being repetitive), I see the simpletons on the Game of Thrones thread are wondering what the dragon is going to do to the man in the next episode. :smiley:

Dragons are mercurial creatures Bandage.