Things That Are Wrong

sadly he is

He is from a law and order background

[quote=“FingalRaven, post: 768876, member: 80”]sadly he is

He is from a law and order background[/quote]
Law and Order is for losers and prods,I’m going to have to wait and see what he has to say until then he has my full backing

[quote=“FingalRaven, post: 768876, member: 80”]sadly he is

He is from a law and order background[/quote]
RIC no doubt.

Is thedancingbaby Paul Williams?

McClean said his occupation there was partly to symbolically cement the UK’s claim.

“Britain’s greedy hands, oh, you’ll meet the same resistance as you did in many lands.” - D. Warfield

I hope the cunt perishes.

Gola would have a field day on Alistair’s autistic kid.

Was wondering if he was autistic when i watched that alright but could find no mention online. Yourself and TASD would be more mild aspergers

Corrigan Brothers welcome Michelle Obama back to Moneygall with “Michelle Obama is coming back”
May 7th, 2013

They have played for President Obama and have enjoyed chart success all over the world . Their international hit “There’s no One as Irish as Barack Obama” has reached over ten million YouTube hits while their song about Susan Boyle’s Cat called “I’m Pebbles Boyle, Spare a thought for me” is rumoured to have moved the legendary miss Boyle. Now the Corrigan Brothers turn their attention to First Lady Michelle Obama to welcome her back to Moneygall. Lead singer Ger Corrigan said “Once you have visited Oliie Hayes Bar in Moneygall, it is hard to resist the temptation to return, the best Pint this side of Honolulu and a pool table that could host the world snooker championship and the best welcome since the prodigal son came back , I’m surprised she’s not over every weekend”.

Michelle Obama is Coming Back (Corrigan Brothers 2013)

Toor a loo toor a loo

Toor a loo what’s the crack

Michelle Obama

Is coming back

You don’t believe me

I hear you say

But Michelle Obama

Is making her way

For Another visit

She’ll be welcomed by all

When she’s back in the village

Of Old Moneygall

Ollie Hayes Will have ready

A brand new Fresh Barrell

Cause Michelle Obama

Is a Guinness Girl

She put it on record

Her secret is out

Michelle says that Oliie

Has the best pint of stout

Toor a loo toor a loo

Toor a loo what’s the crack

Michelle Obama

Is coming back

She’ll meet cousin Henry

And Stephen Neill too

The Obama Set Dancers

The Moneygall crew

She’s brining her Daughters

They’ll think it’s so cool

They’ll be horsin’ back Taytos

And they’ll learn to play pool

Toor a loo toor a loo

Toor a loo what’s the crack

Michelle Obama

Is coming back

The last time she came

She didn’t want to go home

In Washington

She has made it well known

The world’s greatest welcome

The best pint of them all

It’s Ollie Hayes Bar

In dear Old Moneygall

Toor a loo toor a loo

Toor a loo what’s the crack

Michelle Obama

Is coming back

Toor a loo toor a loo

Toor a loo what’s the crack

Michelle Obama

Is coming back

FFS sake. Those Corrigan Brothers must be some pack of simple cunts.

Toor a loo, toor a ball a shite.
How can they look at themselves in the mirror.
Ireland’s shame.

Isnt lapsed poster Noddy related to them somehow?

‘The show everyone is raving about is coming to Gold’.

‘Mrs Brown’s Boys coming soon to Gold’.

was behind a car this morning the way to work that lost control on a slippy road and flipped pretty badly over a stone wall and into a field. yer man was in a bad way, thought it mightnt be too bad, and a guard just rang taking a statment off me and saying how he hoped they would be able to save his arm. it was in a bad way alright, all over the fucking place. poor fella. and I had to ring his wife to let her know. must be some horrible job for the guards to contact family in worse scenarios. such a simple thing to happen, wasnt even going that fast and could be rightly fucked after it.

a fellow peninsulanite?

no, didnt know the man. happened up the country a bit.

Why did you have to ring his wife if you didn’t know him? Did he ask you to?

Why didn’t the cop ring his wife?

Maybe Gman was about to ring his wife anyway. Two birds with the one stone and all that.

he didnt have to but he knew that once he got over the nitty gritty tittle tattle about her man losing his arm he would have a captive audience to talk to about his all inclusive trip to Maurituis