Things That Are Wrong

Google his name, hes been up In court for making prank calls, from his own phone, the cunt is a plank.

bogballer with mental health issues = a hero
some poor lad with mental health issue=plank

[quote=“FingalRaven, post: 778630, member: 80”]bogballer with mental health issues = a hero
some poor lad with mental health issue=plank[/quote]
Nicely summed up.

You left out the bit where one is a homophobe and cuntastic simpleton and the other simple sought the help he needed and was happy to share this story.

Nice try though.

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 778671, member: 180”]Nicely summed up.

You left out the bit where one is a homophobe and cuntastic simpleton and the other simple sought the help he needed and was happy to share this story.

Nice try though.[/quote]

Wow, is that MBB’s first ever clamping?

I wouldnt have imagined, but feel free to rate it as such and give me that warm glow to help me through the rest of this wretched day.

This is the story from the Independent by the way.

A twenty-one year old man said to have carried out a " moranic, drunken act" in making a hoax call to Sligo Fire Brigade and who paid €1,683 in compensation, had a charge of making the false call struck out by Judge Denis McLoughlin at the District Court when he paid over a sum of €200 to St. Vincent de Paul.
Peter Lavelle, 27 Dolmen View, Ballina, made the call from his mobile to the emergency call centre in Castlebar on April 14th last and asked that Sligo fire brigade be dispatched to a house in Glencarrig Estate.
He left his mobile number with the call centre and when Gardai later called him back, he told them he was in Ballina and going into a nightclub.
However, when Gardai answered a public order incident in Sligo town, Lavelle, who was not involved in the particular incident, was identified and arrested.
Mr. Barry Creed, solicitor (defending) said Lavelle had been out during the course of the day with a number of student friends and was to stay in their house.
“He was out of his mind with drink and can’t give any sense or reason for his actions. He actually provided his own mobile telephone number and what he considered a child-like prank was obviously quite serious,” he added.
The court was shown a receipt for the compensation paid to the Fire Services at Sligo County Council.
Judge McLoughlin ruled as stated.

I’m on the app mate so can’t help you out I’m afraid.

You can do it on the app, just select web view and mbb can have his prized clamping

That sounds like a lot of hard work, dont worry yourself mac.

Where’s that?

Not on Android.

Christ almighty Foley, is there any end to the inaccurate advice you dole out on here.

I’m ten seconds behind in my day because of the prick.

Woah, Everyone knows 'Chappers is off limits! What a cunt


All sorted lads-I’ve given mbb the Well Clamped rating. Richly deserved too-put TASE back in his box nicely.

Fair play for being the bigger man mate, despite all the dumb ratings he’s given you.

As I’ve said before Mac, I play the ball not the man. The lad clamped our little fuzzy ozzy friend and deserved acknowledgement for doing so.

Im on the android app now dumbass.

Press the button at the bottom left of screen when viewing a post. Select web view and then give your rating in web view

[quote=“artfoley, post: 778724, member: 179”]Im on the android app now dumbass.

Press the button at the bottom left of screen when viewing a post. Select web view and then give your rating in web view[/quote]

There is no button in the bottom left you gormless twat

At the bottom left of the screen beside the home button moron.

Ive just given out a few well clampeds to illustrare it ca be done