Things That Are Wrong

Who was he again?

Who - Bird or Moat?

Bird…I’ll never forget Raoul.

He killed about 12 or 13 people in a rampage in Cumbria.

The bird is the word…

Fucking hell - it’s mad when you read it again.

Ah yes. Can’t believe I forgot about him.

My point has been proven.

The water in Waterford must be contaminated with mercury or some such. It can be the only explanation to the bat shit crazy reaction to this piss take.

Lads posting up videos from

People bringing a cup of coffee into the toilet when going for a shit. Surely that can’t be very healthy.

I thought it was bad enough bringing a pint into the toilet when having a piss but that is another level of wrong.

Ah for fuck sake-rotten fucker. I have come across sandwich wrappers a few times in a cubicle in work-who or what would eat a sandwich while taking a shit.

Its the first time I have seen anything like this. I have seen people bring pints into the toilets but I always thought was to stop their pints being robbed or spiked, but this was something new. I thought at first he was going to empty the coffee down the toilet but nope he shut the door and let rip.:oops:

[quote=“tazdedub, post: 789412, member: 312”]Its the first time I have seen anything like this. I have seen people bring pints into the toilets but I always thought was to stop their pints being robbed or spiked, but this was something new. I thought at first he was going to empty the coffee down the toilet but nope he shut the door and let rip.:oops:[/quote]Could have just been poor timing. At least he should have left it on the shelf by the sink or something.

I saw a lad peeling and orange whilst taking a shit in Cambodia a few years ago

Fair coordination in fairness…

[FONT=Calibri]I regard that practice as sick and wrong too. It happens a fair bit in my office here where lads come in for a shit on their way to the kitchen and leave their mug by the sink. I think it’s disgusting.[/FONT]

I bet they dont even wash the cup out when they get to kitchen before they fill it up.

I’ve often drank tae while taking a shit. And I’m not ashamed of it. Never at work though.