Things That Are Wrong

That is up there with storing your toothbrush in the bathroom. Disgusting beasts.

In my last place of work the gent had 3 cubicles, no urinals. I would occasionally be coming back from lunch with a takeaway coffee which I would leave on the shelf a long way from the cubicles, then take a whiz, before washing my hands and collecting my coffee and settling back in at my desk.

If he lives to be one hundred his friends will always hold those few minutes up as an example of him being a fucking retard

If you’re not ashamed of it, then why not at work?

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 789417, member: 686”]I saw a lad peeling and orange whilst taking a shit in Cambodia a few years ago

Fair coordination in fairness…[/quote]
Why were you looking at a lad taking a shit?

Lack of a suitable shelf to put a mug on beside me.

Going for a shit is a relaxing experience so I don’t know why people are affronted at people trying to make the most of the situation. Going for a piss is a different story and it is wrong to bring anything into the toilet with you while having a piss.

Actually, I’m going to bring a bowl of muesli into the toilet with me now and eat it while I have a shit, then shave, then shower.

Why not just shit into the bowl and eat that?


My facebook feed was alive with North West comments… Upon investigation I found out Kanye West has named his daughter, North. :rolleyes:

At least it wasn’t something beginning with K.

The only good thing about that family is Lord Disick. Who is a stone cold fucking legend.

Only in the fucking door this morning barely had my arse in chair at my desk when the fucking fire alarm goes off. Who the fuck has a fire alarm at 9.15 in the morning. Not to mention the yellow vested fire marshalls running around like little Hitlers fucking people out the door. If I had of known I wouldn’t have come in until 9.30. :frowning:

I presume you mean fire drill? As fire alarms annoyingly can go off at any hour as fires are not restricted to 9-5 unfortunately.

Sorry Rintintin, I still had the alarm bell ring in my head, of course I meant fire drill. :slight_smile:

I’m glad this has all been wrapped up in a nice neat little package. Carry on.

Fire Drills are at their most effective when they are least expected. Kudos to the health and safety department.

I would like to echo these sentiments. That’s a job well done! Congrats to all involved.

Leave the dancing baby alone. This was a long long time ago and should remain in the past. Shame on those who won’t forget ‘the brown tears of Glasgow’

[quote=“briantinnion, post: 789641, member: 6”]At least it wasn’t something beginning with K.

The only good thing about that family is Lord Disick. Who is a stone cold fucking legend.[/quote]
Jesus hes called his kid, NORTH…WEST? That is wrong on so many levels, funny and wrong.