Things That Are Wrong

Exactly, that part should be kept in mind before commencing :wink:

Totally agree.

Just got this on the Club GAA email account.

What the fuck are these cunts on about? :rolleyes:

[FONT=Times New Roman]The Institute of Family and Marriage welcomes the release from Cork Prison of Harry Rea and confirmation that there is no unilateral Divorce in Ireland.[/FONT]

[SIZE=6][FONT=Times New Roman]For release 26 June 2013[/FONT][/SIZE]

[FONT=Times New Roman]The Institute of Family and Marriage welcomes the release from Cork Prison of Harry Rea of Blarney Road, Cork.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Harry is a sincere practicing Catholic and a member of the Institute’s Deserted Spouses Support Group. He is very well known as being active in defending the life of the unborn and is a member of the Catholic Democrats Party executive. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Harry was imprisoned for three months but he did not commit any crime. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]His imprisonment was at huge cost to the public purse.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]The charge against him was that he refuses to accept the order made by Judge Murphy, now deceased, to dissolve his Marriage which proceedings Harry did not participate in because it was against his conscience and because he was a Deserted Spouse not a deserter.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Whilst in prison the Papal Nuncio was asked to seek the counsel and assistance of the Holy Father. At the same time Senator Norris was written to – notwithstanding this being unusual considering the public persona of Senator Norris – because he had a key role to play in Mr. Rea’s release.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Marriage is a unique opportunity for a man and a woman to come together to found a Family and Harry and his Wife consecrated their union in 1981 and were blessed with five children. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Marriage is the most precious and important contract a man and woman enter into and one of the most basic premises of all Contract Law is that any proposed amendment to a contract that would fundamentally change that same contract’s original design, intent and/or purposes is (by definition) a null and void attempt, worthless and completely unenforceable, of absolutely no true legal effect, whatever. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]This means that every individual Spouse, every Priest that solemnised it and every witness to a Marriage have legally-binding rights of “reasonable expectation” to the continued enforcement of the core Marriage principles in place at the time, which in 1981 specified it was ‘till death’ and there could be no divorce.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Whilst the divorce legislation was being debated in the Seanad in 1996 Senator Norris had similarly assured everyone that it could not be used unilaterally against a Spouse who had entered into such a permanent contract and who had conscientious and religious objections – such as a sincere Catholic – to that contract being amended in the interim to remove the central permanence aspect.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman] Senator Norris said, [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]“I received and read a number of correspondences in this matter recently. However, I cannot agree with them. One person suggested that in the aftermath of the referendum and the situation we were faced with we should have a two track marriage system to cater for everybody. Those who believed in divorce could sign a contract that reflected this whereas those who were committed to the situation where marriage was eternal and could never be terminated should sign a mark two version. This is not necessary, even for a religious person. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]If one holds certain beliefs, gets married in church and makes a solemn commitment to somebody in church as part of a religious sacrament, then surely one is bound by that. The existence of divorce for other people is unlikely to shake one’s belief if it is as strong as claimed. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]For that reason, no one whatever his or her religious persuasion, need feel threatened by this provision for divorce, which facilitates only those people who want it”[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Following Mr Rea’s imprisonment the Supreme Court were apprised of the situation and we can look forward to more clarity on this issue in the near future.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Whilst we are all grateful that Mr Rea has been released early by behind the scenes activity it is terrible that he and his Family have had to suffer such an injustice for so long.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]The Rea Family will be seeking compensation for his false imprisonment as clearly he has committed no crime. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]We all owe a great debt of gratitude to Mr. Rea for his great courage and faith in bringing to light the corruption that has seeped into the way that the Divorce legislation is being implemented and which is undoubtedly ripping apart many other Families which could be saved.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]By his sacrifice he has established, for all to see, that it is not a crime for a sincere Catholic or a Deserted Spouse who wishes to have the permanence of their Marriage honoured and that reconciliation is the correct path to take, not forced Family dismemberment on pain of imprisonment.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]The Institute extends its support to any Spouse in a similar position who is being bullied or deceived into taking part in a divorce or a separation or any such Family Law matter where they wish to remain faithful to their Marriage.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]The members of the Institute wish our dear friend Harry and his Family – whom we have become acquainted with through this ordeal, namely David and Estel, Jacqueline and little Ella, Carolyn, Alison and Fiona and all his many friends and neighbours who supported him – every blessing and fond wish on this the twenty-sixth day of June in the year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Thirteen. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]God bless[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Roger Eldridge, [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman]CEO, Institute of Family and Marriage[/FONT]

In my bedroom, the bed is actually two single beds pushed together, which I have covered in an Ikea mattress cover and a king-size sheet and duvet. It’s perfect, actually, except for losing an elbow or a knee down the middle while “getting it on”. It’s a waste though as the man is always at the woman’s house, I find. Which isn’t a pity, really as my room is mostly adorned by empty wine and ale bottles, old socks, empty packs of fags, remnants of puke on the floor, and a Limerick GAA yearbook from 1999.


Can you shed some light on my post above?

Your missus must be some dirty bitch to sleep in that room mate.

Old socks… unwashed after wanking into…

[quote=“carryharry, post: 792534, member: 1517”]artfoley

Can you shed some light on my post above?[/quote]

Yerman was jailled for contempt of court iirc.

The grounds for divorce are straightforward; separate and apart for 4 out of the last 5 years, no reasonable prospect of reconciliation and there shall be proper provision.

Its all laid out in art 41.3.2 of the constitution and section 5.1 of the divorce act 1996. It can be unilateral and the email spouts a load of shite not far off freemen shite

SLR with no track record in hurling slandering a hurling great like Liam Dunne on twitter and then not having the balls to let the tweet remain on his page because Wexford GAA sued him

What a Geebag.

did he not win* a county medal with garryspillane

[SIZE=1]*jumped in a photo with the winning team[/SIZE]

Another quote from Bono on The Meaning of Life has just come to me.

‘Bob Geldof has said he has never heard of God, but you can be sure that God has heard of Bob Geldof.’

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 792699, member: 24”]Another quote from Bono on The Meaning of Life has just come to me.

‘Bob Geldof has said he has never heard of God, but you can be sure that God has heard of Bob Geldof.’[/quote]

‘You can’t be a fan of blues or folk music if you don’t understand the scriptures’ was one of my favourites

I’ve just found out a former college colleague of mine has set up a funeral planning business. Even wrote a book about how to plan the perfect funeral so everything can be taken care of before you pass on :confused:

And when I say funeral planning I don’t mean undertaker. There’s a section on the facebook profile page about how to have an appropriate funeral for pets. Its kind of like a wedding planner except its not really.

I like blues and folk music but I don’t know what the scriptures are.

The Scriptures are a band mate I think they’re jackeens too

[quote=“Mac, post: 793213, member: 109”]I’ve just found out a former college colleague of mine has set up a funeral planning business. Even wrote a book about how to plan the perfect funeral so everything can be taken care of before you pass on :confused:

And when I say funeral planning I don’t mean undertaker. There’s a section on the facebook profile page about how to have an appropriate funeral for pets. Its kind of like a wedding planner except its not really.[/quote]

Female? think I heard her being interviewed recently…

Yep. She was also recently interviewed in Woman’s Way.

Fair play to her for giving it a try but the whole concept seems a bit wrong if you ask me.

[quote=“Mac, post: 793298, member: 109”]Yep. She was also recently interviewed in Woman’s Way.

Fair play to her for giving it a try but the whole concept seems a bit wrong if you ask me.[/quote]

Death is a fascinating topic.

I’m involved in a project presently on the history of Limerick City’s biggest graveyard, Mount St. Laurence. Part of the project involves interviewing people who have loved ones buried up there about their background to get a social history of the city and what kind of characters are buried there. But it also delves into mourning rituals, the mass, fashion etc etc.

It’s fascinating how funerals and mourning have changed, from the women clad in black for the rest of their days, blinds drawn for a week and the dead person being layed out in the old habit like costumes and then onto today’s circus.

The one thing a lot of them have said is that while today’s funerals celebrate the person more, there is too much music and gimmicky stuff going on. People really want to make the occasion as sad and emotional as possible. I’d have to agree, It’s gone ott in some cases. A few words and a nice hymn should suffice. But such is life and good luck to Mac’s old flame, but I personally think It’s wrong.