Things That Are Wrong

A gobshite tries to pet a lion and get mauled.

Of course! The ould bitch is minted.

Having your first Indie Day visit to the US Ambassador’s residence being ruined by Caul Pollins commentating on the flag football game. Painful.

Was there a lot of Ferrero Rocher?

Jesus that could only be fucking dreadful. Give us a few examples please?

Had never heard of Emmet Smith.

Mossy Quinn is apparently well know for pullin and draggin

Implored Alan Kerins to ring John O’Mahony for managerial advice for his flag football team

Numerous references to Coppers after the event

[quote=“Spidey, post: 796911, member: 289”]Had never heard of Emmet Smith.

Mossy Quinn is apparently well know for pullin and draggin

Implored Alan Kerins to ring John O’Mahony for managerial advice for his flag football team

Numerous references to Coppers after the event[/quote]
FFS that is despicable.

If by Ferrero Rocher you mean hot dogs, then yes, yes there was.

Are the management in Coppers spiking peoples drinks or something? the way people go on about the place, ya swear it was the only pub/club in the country. Surely there are better pubs and clubs for pulling ladies (i use that term loosely) than coppers?

Another case in the paper today of a woman falling on her arse inCoppers

Hopefully she will get done for costs like the other silly cunt.

jesus lads you know the rules by now

[quote=“artfoley, post: 796944, member: 179”]jesus lads you know the rules by now[/quote]

I can see why they go to coppers.

I’m pretty sure I only drank 6 pints and a rum and coke last night, but I am puking my ring up today. That is wrong.

Captain Morgan? :eek:

I think they gave me that alright, a friend bought it. I would normally specify dark rum.

Absolute vomit in a glass, made all the more wrong by cunts pouring club orange in on top of it. :mad:

Agree but it can’t be the reason I’m so bad today. I’ve puked up bile three times now :frowning:

Dodgy Rum.

Same thing happened me after 6 pints a few weeks back (no shorts)

6 pints of Guinness in 6 different pubs is my excuse, got a bad one somewhere along the way.

I had to mind my daughter at 3pm the following day and I was still puking. The memory of her concerned look at me throwing up in our lawn will stick with me to my death bed.