Things That Are Wrong

A classical irish name?

It maybe classical but I would never inflict a name like that on an innocent child.

Agreed. We all have to get up in the morning.

How do you know the child is innocent?

Well I assume all children are innocent when they first come into the world and are given a name. They may turn out to be the worlds biggest cunts later on life because of the name inflicted on them by their parents/guardians.


All children are born with original sin

Whats wrong with that mate?

It’s 2013, if two men want to kiss in public then good luck to them. Nothing to see here but Horsebox’s insecurity.

Agreed. If this is how two of the Dublin players wish to show their love and happiness, I say best of luck to them.

Nothing wrong with it if it’s a mutual kiss-the kisser is a lot more into it in this case than the kissed as the subsequent picture shows.

No need to be so homophobic mate.

Mary wasn’t.

I have a lot of love for the gay community mate-it is kiss rape I have a problem with.

Mother of Jaysus… Women!

Those posts were in response to this, about a dead dog.

Gee bags.


I posted the wrong picture initially:oops:, meant to post the second one and then tried to defend my position like the stubborn cunt I am.