Things That Are Wrong

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 806425, member: 129”]A young girl in here, and a very pleasant one at that, who was on probation got the bullet yesterday, despite the fact that her manager has admitted to my lady that she did nothing wrong. I’ve a fair mind to wreck the fucking place and cause hell. My guess would be that she didn’t fawn over her wanker of a manager enough. You know why? Because she’s 22, shit cool, and she shouldn’t fucking have to.

I’m fucking livid.[/quote]
You can get sacked out of the Service? Isn’t there a fuckload of paperwork to go through for that to come to pass?

Not if you’re on probation. She was from the Central Bank and was on secondment here.

I’m contemplating sending an email around tomorrow saying that I’m doing a collection for her. I’ll be hauled up for it, I hope.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 806432, member: 129”]Not if you’re on probation. She was from the Central Bank and was on secondment here.

I’m contemplating sending an email around tomorrow saying that I’m doing a collection for her. I’ll be hauled up for it, I hope.[/quote]
Was this the young lady you contemplated throwing the leg over?

No, my friend. She was just a nice young girl, with a bit of attitude and a good personality for a youngster. I really liked her. To paraphrase Ed Harris in Glengarry Glen Ross, they’re running this office like a bunch of bullshit.

I am immensely angry.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 806432, member: 129”]Not if you’re on probation. She was from the Central Bank and was on secondment here.

I’m contemplating sending an email around tomorrow saying that I’m doing a collection for her. I’ll be hauled up for it, I hope.[/quote]
Is she gone from the Central Bank as well?

She’s appealed but as of now she’ll be signing on tomorrow. She was on a graduate programme. I wouldn’t mind but, as I said, her boss has said that ultimately she did nothing wrong. They just didn’t like her enough. That’s because her boss, a boring cunt with ideas WAY above his station, would not have been treated with what he would believe to be the correct level of deference by this tyro.

Do you want to engage in sexual relations with her?

But aren’t you the same lad who was bemoaning the lack of respect for elders on the things that are not with us anymore thread just an hour ago?

She had plenty of respect. But her boss. He’s 34. A fitness freak who thinks he’s fucking wonderful…he’d expect fawning. He actually went for the big job a few months ago. And now he’s technically my lady’s boss. And he’s a dickhead.
I liked when people had respect for their elders. I also like when elders have respect for young people who deserve it.

I’m going to cause holy hell over this one. I’m a man on the edge.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 806451, member: 129”]She had plenty of respect. But her boss. He’s 34. A fitness freak who thinks he’s fucking wonderful…he’d expect fawning. He actually went for the big job a few months ago. And now he’s technically my lady’s boss. And he’s a dickhead.
I liked when people had respect for their elders. I also like when elders have respect for young people who deserve it.

I’m going to cause holy hell over this one. I’m a man on the edge.[/quote]

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 806451, member: 129”]She had plenty of respect. But her boss. He’s 34. A fitness freak who thinks he’s fucking wonderful…he’d expect fawning. He actually went for the big job a few months ago. And now he’s technically my lady’s boss. And he’s a dickhead.
I liked when people had respect for their elders. I also like when elders have respect for young people who deserve it.

I’m going to cause holy hell over this one. I’m a man on the edge.[/quote]

Tell yerwan to make a data pritection request for all files held by your organisation about her. If yerman is as much of a gom as you say id say therell be something incriminating there

Good move.

Jaysus, can ye imagine the reaction if they fired the one Thraw wanted to bone!?

id do this just to wreck their heads they ll have to get back to her within 21 days…

Ive just done it with eircom after they fucked me round with a disconnection charge which I had to get refunded

[quote=“glasagusban, post: 806500, member: 1533”]Good move.

Jaysus, can ye imagine the reaction if they fired the one Thraw wanted to bone!?[/quote]

Thraw wants to bone all of them. Theres just some, as brando said to vivienne leigh, that he wants to fuck so bad his teeth hurt

Not your first lie to us, Thrawneen. How sad… Tell me - do you want her sexually? True, your much older, but - do you visualize… scenarios, exchanges…? Fucking?

Not in the slightest. Honestly.

Ah bollox Thrawneen. Youre like a dog with 2 dicks, youd get up on anything

Took a slioter full force into the stones this evening. Was about 10 foot away from him when he opens the shoulders and my bell end took most of the force. Fine and tender now!

No jockeying this weekend:oops:

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 806577, member: 1137”]Took a slioter full force into the stones this evening. Was about 10 foot away from him when he opens the shoulders and my bell end took most of the force. Fine and tender now!

No jockeying this weekend:oops:[/quote]