Things That Are Wrong

Its not that boxty :smiley: she got a huge lump of dough off them a few years back and now she back working with them,give some wan on the dole a chance,the same thing is goin on in the regional cunts took redundency last year are back now workin with some agency,l know a girl in Dublin who works for them as well and they pay for a taxi to take her into work if she’s on before 6am or works late

Some cunts burgled the folks’ gaff. Ransacked the fuck out of it. Went through every drawer in the house.

[quote=“Juhniallio, post: 811234, member: 53”]Some cunts burgled the folks’ gaff. Ransacked the fuck out of it. Went through every drawer in the house.
Sorry to hear that mate,were they at home I hope not,my ma is on her own the last few months since the auld lad passed away I’m always worried some of these cunts will call on her

[quote=“Juhniallio, post: 811234, member: 53”]Some cunts burgled the folks’ gaff. Ransacked the fuck out of it. Went through every drawer in the house.

The utter cunts. Horrible sense of violation with a burglary.

I fucking hate thieves.

Cunts the lot of them. These fucks have no morals and think nothing of roughing up, or murdering an old dear. Rural Ireland is a playground for them these days sadly and old folks go to bed in fear of waking up with one of these cunts standing over them. A few more Nally incidents and they might start to show some fear but as things stand, they fear nothing the cunts. Hope your folks aren’t too shaken up by the incident Juhny.

[quote=“Juhniallio, post: 811234, member: 53”]Some cunts burgled the folks’ gaff. Ransacked the fuck out of it. Went through every drawer in the house.
Sorry to hear that. My oul pair got robbed 2 years ago. Didn’t take a lot of value but jewellery passed on through generations was and that can’t be placed. Plus you have a natural sense of security in your own home which is forever lost when these cunts get in and filter through your personal stuff.

Robberies on the peninsula’s / peninsulae? This is not good.

Not enough lallys in the country mbb that’s the problem,the Jew up in the Dail would rather see some tax paying farmer/law abiding citizen in castlerae than some dole scrounging scobe/tinker

Thankfully the folks are away at the moment, probably one of the main reasons why it was done. I went over to pick up my golf clubs and walked into a fucking mess. Spent the evening sorting it out. My folks are in late sixties/early seventies and you worry what would have happened if they were there.
Detective who showed up was great but admitted there was fuck all chance of getting them.

[quote=“Juhniallio, post: 811265, member: 53”]Thankfully the folks are away at the moment, probably one of the main reasons why it was done. I went over to pick up my golf clubs and walked into a fucking mess. Spent the evening sorting it out. My folks are in late sixties/early seventies and you worry what would have happened if they were there.
Detective who showed up was great but admitted there was fuck all chance of getting them.[/quote]
The thing is even if they caught the scummy fucks that done this they would be out in a day or two on bail free to keep at it,a severe hiding resulting in slight paralysis is what’s needed for these cunts

[quote=“Juhniallio, post: 811234, member: 53”]Some cunts burgled the folks’ gaff. Ransacked the fuck out of it. Went through every drawer in the house.
Sorry to hear that, Juhniallio. Any dog on the property?

I know some people don’t like dogs but they are a great way of warding off these types of cunts.

Are your folks living in the city?

Damn right. The amount of collateral damage done for the sake of whatever they get in jewelrey and cash is horrendous. Cunts.

[quote=“carryharry, post: 811273, member: 1517”]Sorry to hear that, Juhniallio. Any dog on the property?

I know some people don’t like dogs but they are a great way of warding off these types of cunts.[/quote]

Folks don’t like dogs, and it would have been away with them on holidays if they had.

They don’t live in the city TS, slap bang in suburban fingal. Detective reckoned the hot weather was bad for Porto. Half the scum come out daytripping and have a look around and decide there’s some nice gaffs/cars etc and decide to come back later. Cunts.

Sorry to hear this news Juhy. Rotten bastards all of them. At least the folks weren’t woken in their beds by some cunt who might beat the stuffing out of them. Bad indeed, but “could” have been worse.

I hope all the gun license round fenagh are in order

Well the guns are at least. A neighbour put both barrells into the back of a white transit at 3am. back there a few months ago. Wasn’t concerned about it either which was top marks in my book.
“They were hardly looking for square bales” he drily commented. Fucking right they weren’t.


2 tinkers staged a car break down outside the parents gaff last month. one went to the door and one went round the back to see if he could find a chain/rope.Ould fella was on his way up the yard and caught your man going through the sheds… “looking for a rope sir”. The ould fella got confrontational and thankfully your man fucked off but I dread to think what would have happened if your man had fought back.

I only live over the road but its a bit of a worry now that parents are getting on.

Thinking of investing in a weapon myself.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 811296, member: 686”]Cunts.

2 tinkers staged a car break down outside the parents gaff last month. one went to the door and one went round the back to see if he could find a chain/rope.Ould fella was on his way up the yard and caught your man going through the sheds… “looking for a rope sir”. The ould fella got confrontational and thankfully your man fucked off but I dread to think what would have happened if your man had fought back.

I only live over the road but its a bit of a worry now that parents are getting on.

Thinking of investing in a weapon myself.[/quote]
I know what I’d be putting the rope on and it wouldn’t be the car

An uncle of mine is a detective and he said the latest thing is lads going round offering to do “odd jobs” - window cleaning, gardening, cobblestone cleaning etc. they do this for ridiculously low prices but during their work they will ask to use bathroom where they will case the joint. Come back then later and they’re in and out in minutes.

His advice. Do not let anyone unsolicited near your house no matter what they’re offering.