Things That Are Wrong

What would be your thinking that playing 7,8 or 9 games a year would be enough?

the amount of GGA posts on this thread

Windows 8

Well past halfway through a shit before realising there is no toilet paper. Fuck.

what’s the reason behind this puke?

No reason from what I could see, no sale on or anything. Was like a nighclub queue with a bouncer with an earpiece at the door letting people in and out.

took my fixie out on Sunday and went by Queensland GGA
They were having a family day so against my better judgement I decided to take my kids. It was a lovely winters day(25 degrees) and they had slides,castle,rides etc.

A few things that were wrong
[]Muldoon kids - an unruly bunch reflecting their parents half assed parenting, loud,obnoxious,no decorum, not standing in line, 3 year olds drinking soda pop.
]People saying I have an Australian rather than Irish accent- of course I do, I have integrated into society here, of course my accent is going to change
[]Stickhurling, the standard looked abysmal yet the cunts took it so seriously, everyone of the players was out of shape and pasty, there was some sort of march before the game too where they stood behind the band
]EPL jerseys- what is it with muldoons and the EPL

There is a rare collection of Muldoons embedded in the Queensland area. I knew lads from West klare over there who left Ireland when they were toddlers and they still walk around with a hunch and speak with an impediment.

Willawong park brings these groups together regularly which restricts the character development further.

Still its good to bring the kids there every now and then to remind them if their heritage.

Grand flat spin on the fixie down the Oxley road.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 812966, member: 686”]There is a rare collection of Muldoons embedded in the Queensland area. I knew lads from West klare over there who left Ireland when they were toddlers and they still walk around with a hunch and speak with an impediment.

Willawong park brings these groups together regularly which restricts the character development further.

Still its good to bring the kids there every now and then to remind them if their heritage.

Grand flat spin on the fixie down the Oxley road.[/quote]

around Graceville ,Corrinda etc its a lovely flat spin indeed, as you head towards Forest Lake,Inala it gets hilly.

Is Willawog Park where they still play? not sure of the name of the place, its up the Oxley Road heading away from Briosbane to the left

My wife watches expose

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 812968, member: 80”]
Is Willawog Park where they still play? not sure of the name of the place, its up the Oxley Road heading away from Briosbane to the left[/quote]

Yeah, that’s the spot.

Alex Rodriguez trying to look the victim in his latest press interview

The Brits, for lots of reasons but this one is particularly annoying. The inability to serve more than one person in a bar/restaurant.

Bizarre phenomenon-one person, head down, don’t make eye contact with anybody else until the transaction has been fully completed.

There’s a pub near me that have 5 or 6 behind the bar most evenings and there still manages to be a queue for it. Wouldn’t mind but its never overly busy. Stone solid useless is what they are.

The top two threads on the forum being fellas talking about the goings on of two mid table BPL teams.

This has annoyed me for years. British bar staff couldn’t be any more useless if they tried.

So so true. It actually takes an effort to be so slow at serving at the bar. I’ve seen bar staff pull a Guinness and then wait for it to settle while other customers are waiting.

I’ve seen this-they will retreat back from the bar and start talking among themselves or looking at the floor. What puzzles me so much is that it is not as if the Brits are not big boozers.

Most of them are students or Aussies and couldn’t give a shit.