Things That Are Wrong

Students, Aussies and Brits…could hardly think of a more cuntish trio than that line-up.

Had to work with them all when I worked part time when I lived in England. Some of them are fucking gobshites.

I was in Waxey O’Connor’s by Picadilly Circus on Saturday evening and most of the bar staff were Spanish but it was one of the first times in over 2 and half years here that I saw a barmaid serving more than one customer at a time.

While it is a nightmare to get served I do admire the manners of your average Brit queuing for the bar, they could be waiting for an age yet they will never look to skip the queue unlike back home where it is everyman for himself when the bar is busy



Had to work with them all when I worked part time when I lived in England. Some of them are fucking gobshites.



Yeah mostly the male ones, the females were alright but that was only because you give them any attention and they want to get into your boxers.

Give an example, was serving some english birds in the bar one night and one of them goes “have ya got a straw”, I said “no sorry all out of straws” She says “what am I going to suck on?” without even thinking I said “I’ll give ya something to suck”. She wet herself laughing and called me are durty fucker, anyway one of the Aussie fuckers who was walking behind me heard me telling the english bird I would give her something to suck on and the fucker goes running to Manager to tell him what I said to the bird and to expect a complaint, the manager told him to fuck off, the stupid Aussie cunt. :smiley:

[quote=“tazdedub, post: 813105, member: 312”]Yeah mostly the male ones, the females were alright but that was only because you give them any attention and they want to get into your boxers.

Give an example, was serving some english birds in the bar one night and one of them goes “have ya got a straw”, I said “no sorry all out of straws” She says “what am I going to suck on?” without even thinking I said “I’ll give ya something to suck”. She wet herself laughing and called me are durty fucker, anyway one of the Aussie fuckers who was walking behind me heard me telling the english bird I would give her something to suck on and the fucker goes running to Manager to tell him what I said to the bird and to expect a complaint, the manager told him to fuck off, the stupid Aussie cunt. :D[/quote]


True that. I was in the Barge a couple of weeks back during the good weather. A lady joined the queue just after me. Two people were served and left the counter at the same time. I moved in to the counter and some cunt comes bursting through to the counter beside me leaving the poor lady stranded. I had a go telling him that it was bad form what he just did and there was a lady queuing there before him. He immediately got a bit aggressive and then thought better of it. He apologises to the lady and let her through. I got a muffled ‘thanks’ from the lady and that was it. Ignorant bitch.

The least she could have done was eaten out your asshole.

He’s paying someone to do that at the moment. He meets his “Physio” twice weekly but we all know…

Holy fucking shit this is wrong.

Lottie Ryan on the radio there about an hour and a half ago. Not much going on between those ears.

There are photos of that no mark opportunistic cunt Henry Healy is all over the local papers in Galway this week.

He is obviously seen as some sort of half celeb or something at this stage.


[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 814668, member: 686”]There are photos of that no mark opportunistic cunt Henry Healy is all over the local papers in Galway this week.

very interesting character…thought Ray Liotta gave a masterclass playing him in Goodfellas…

I watched a Harry Potter film today.

Woodstock or met?

Christy Brown suffering another seizure…I could’ve sworn the poor cunt was dead.