Things That Are Wrong

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 820694, member: 686”]Truth!

Wont be happening again.

The place is a goldmine though. booked out on a wednesday night…[/quote]

Really? It’s a fucking kip!

Jammed to the hilt.

Its a beyond the iron curtain type hell hole.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 820694, member: 686”]Truth!

Wont be happening again.

The place is a goldmine though. booked out on a wednesday night…[/quote]

seriously? there a seminar or something?..would have thought that place would be for a lad who wants to do damage off the ball and not get caught…

Maybe it’s cheap.

Anyway. Saw a trailer on Sky for a new show about conscientious objectors in World War 1. Called Chickens. Presume this is the way it’s going to be with those warmongering Murdoch cunts for the next few years, glorifying the witless slaughter of 1914-1918 and demeaning those who had the moral courage to call it for what it was.

Close to the zoo!!


Ah come on @Kinvara’s Passion

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 820718, member: 24”]Close to the zoo!!


Ah come on @Kinvara’s Passion[/quote]

A holiday in Liffey valley must beat all else we’ve heard on this board surely. :smiley:


I’ll do this on a monthly basis and report to the board if this is as good as it gets for you mate.

He went to the Gards?? I would have kicked the fuck out of her, the rotten fucking cunt.

Fucking hell snowballing seems to have changed a bit.

Unnecessary meetings. :mad:

Ape; Can we have a meeting on this?
JG; Well this is the story with it.
Ape; Well I’d like to sit down and have a quick chat on it.
JG; I’ve just told you whats happening.
Ape; Well em…
JG; I don’t see what a meeting would accomplish.
Ape; Well we really should update XX aswell.
JG; Sure I’ll just pop XX a mail.
Ape; No I think a meeting would be best

We’ll now have to go and a have a 20 minute meeting about something that could be solved in one 2 minute conversation by phone/mail. The fucking obsession people have with meetings is beyond me.
They are rarely of any use.

This Slane girl story is heart breaking. Feel bad for her and her parents.

Fuck that Kev she brought it on herself,no sympathy at all.

no sympathy for a young girl that has to be sedated because she is suicidal?

Its terrible for her and her family

you are some ape

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 820842, member: 80”]no sympathy for a young girl that has to be sedated because she is suicidal?

Its terrible for her and her family

you are some ape[/quote]
She should have thought of that before she took every cock in sight into her mouth in a public area for all to see the tramp.

To an extent. But she is young and stupid and whoever put it in the Internet is the real cunt and I believe they can be done for something or other.

She was in hospital from it wyt, in a bad way. Wouldn’t wish it on her or the family. Her life is over.

What’s really disgusting me is some of the biggest tarts I know up on their high horse about it on FB.

I have no sympathy for her carry on but I believe there was a video as well of some lads molesting her or something and this is the complaint the Gardai are looking into.

Did this girl have no mates with her? Surely her mates would have told her to cop on and got her out that situation?

I just cannot feel sorry for her,whatever about blowin off one guy she was obviously cheered on to go again no doubt loving the attention she was getting at the time.